that debate among middle/upper class white folk would open a hole in the universe, it would be an endless loop for eternity. troops v. law enforcement: The End of the World will be premiering on Sci Fi next month.
that debate among middle/upper class white folk would open a hole in the universe, it would be an endless loop for eternity. troops v. law enforcement: The End of the World will be premiering on Sci Fi next month.
somewhat unrelated but go back down the cliff lee in philly wormhole, man that guy was a stud.
as a white phillies fan who watched j-roll amass an amazing career that helped me fall in love with the game TONS of white idiot philadelphia fans had issues with him. his flair, swagger, confidence were always harped on, he was called j-stroll by many. At no point in his career were all idiot philadelphia fans on…
and this sentiment makes you an idiot.
the ole “the white way is the right way”
The people I went to school with that eventually became teachers were some of the most short sighted idiots I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. It’s a shame but society’s highest performers are not turning to teaching. The swath I know were in it for the potential to coach high school sports to fulfill their…
I’ve said it once I’ll say it again and again until the day I die...there are goods, there are bads.
I just really miss the versatility of a lineup. Each position within a lineup held it’s own unique skill set typically. Leadoff guys were fast, two hole guys were contact guys, 3rd was your power guy with decent contact rate, 4 was high k masher, 5 was similar to 3 but slightly lesser player, 6, similar to 5 and 3 but…
he’s a hardo hall of famer that’s for sure.
spot on, both dudes are the most sensitive redasses in the game.
so much to digest here.
great, another msm liberal agenda trying to dictate when and where I have my guns. I as a true #patriot in the greatest country #merica can exercise my 2nd amendment rights when and where I want. the only way to prevent a mass shooting at a royal wedding is a #guy with a #gun. you can try to pry my piece from cold…
I beg everyone to delve into Kyle Boddy’s recent tweet storms regarding pine tar, stick em, so on and the effects on spin rate. interesting stuff and largely doctoring of baseballs is known commodity in baseball. I didn’t even make pro ball but in college and various college summer leagues it was very common. liquid…
His velo spiked when he got to the phillies. Had a couple starts three years ago before tearing his hamstring. I was amazed that he was routinely 97,98 early that year. It wasn’t the stros.
yes manly man you are the most manly of the manly men in our kingdom of less manly men than yourself mr. manly man.
If I never heard another thing about Beyonce for the rest of my life I would die an unhappy man as I’ve been absolutely drowned in “beyonce is bae” “omg beyonce” “single ladies” “beyonce is my spirit” BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH for the last 15 years of my existence. It’s like the god awful teenage boy band obsession…
the part where you’re a dickhead high maintenance entitled putz is where my belief that you’re a dickhead high maintenance entitled putz is rooted.
u r a d bag.
people are as nutritionally stupid as I suspect. I don’t have a enough toes and fingers to count the number of people that I’ve heard try to justify a giant blueberry muffin as a balanced breakfast. Heard it countless times “it has fruit, grain, and some protein. These same people are the ones that tell me a garbage…
felting animals, bonsai, and yoga are your recommendations for this kid?! he wants to be COOL remember. This kid is spending 90% of his day thinking about how he can get the overdeveloped 14 year old chicks to want him, the other 5% on how he can make his male peers like him, and the other 5% rubbing one out.…