Could be, but at least a dog only sniffs his own ass, instead of crawling far up it like you just did.
Could be, but at least a dog only sniffs his own ass, instead of crawling far up it like you just did.
Also, NFL Saturday night football every week and lets stop pretending like college football isn’t an ass sport that only bad people watch.
Make no mistake. This loud AF racist dog whistle is not an accident. MLB knows exactly what they are doing and are pandering to the lowest base of white garbage America because obvious 2018 reasons.
I always wonder what these people that manage to get 8 hours sleep a night must do for jobs, or is it just the unemployed that are priviledged enough to be well slept
When the far left ideals took over the movement. I’m done with liberalism it sucks that we choose the dumbest battles and still not shit has changed. Wealth inequality is at an all time high while “brilliant liberal minds” are fighting about the correct pronouns.
I thought that was Penn States new statue...