
The horror, the horror...


Thank you again. Self-care will be paramount in the coming months because I know that things will likely get worse before they get better. <3

Fucking Chad...

Oh damn. Wow. That’s awful, and I’m sorry. Hopefully you can find a new doctor who will provide better treatment?

Oh dear. Like, the dr. caused the issues, or acted as the catalyst to bring them to the surface?

Thanks - that really helps a lot. What I’m dealing with now has a lot to do with people who invalidated my feelings and refuse to acknowledge my humanity whatsoever. I have gotten to the point where I don’t care, but I still need to engage for the next few months. Once this is over, I expect never to deal with them

Dammit Chad! You skewered my iPad! Now come back down from there...and put your dick away...no one is impressed...

Lol! That made me snort. For tomatoes, I really like the cherry ones. For trust issues, I tend towards the kind that need to be resolved in therapy. Happy growing!

Gonna be a fight to the DEATH

lol okay. the fact that you think this is just about comfort tells me all I need to know about conversing with you.

Showing only male hackers implies that they couldn’t find any young, up-and-coming female hackers to include in the article. Not even one!

It’s absolutely a micro aggression. These little things add up & contribute to this asinine idea that women aren’t smart enough for STEM fields. It’s important to bring this to the attention of those with the power to make changes.

I recall reading an account of a guy who developed one of the first AI sex dolls (he combined a commercial doll with an early AI system) and indeed, the computer kept breaking up with him. So, yeah, even the sex robot he programmed kept coming to the conclusion that she could do better.

The VOICE Office provides information to citizens and non-citizens alike regardless of status, race, etc., whose loved ones have been killed or injured by removable aliens.

Yes!!! Squeeeeeeee

Kinja won’t let me post any pictures today!

If I was American, I’d be calling to report that ICE was asking for my documents outside a courthouse.

Poor bats!!! Bats are so adorable and I love them.

I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree because what you said: