
Legally speaking, though, he is responsible for himself. If he hires a lawyer, or an accountant or whatever and tells them not to communicate with his wife they’re not supposed to. And unless he’s placed under a guardianship or conservatorship or committed or something he’s free to go out and hire however many slime

I’m no fan of any of the Kardiashains but what exactly is she supposed to do? He’s an adult with his own money, his own platform and (I’d guess) his own enablers who are making it possible for him to do this. Short of having him involuntarily committed I don’t see what actions she could take that would reign him in

But it’s not. Mental illness does not excuse what he’s doing- he needs to be on meds and see a therapist.

Puhlease! If she was so concerned how did this event even happen? You know full well Kanye didn’t organize this event himself. He had people do it for him - managers, lawyers, assistants, etc. People that I’m sure Kim is in touch with, and with a couple of calls she could have put a stop to all of this.

I saw that. I'm not sure why so many people think it's her job to get him treatment. He is his own person, and getting someone into treatment against their will is extremely difficult to do. I don't like her, but I also don't think it's her job to reign in a grown man who has a diagnosis and the means to get the best

Typically that is how it is done, the teacher “interviews” the kid and then writes down the funny answers. It’s more a historical documentation of what the kid thinks at a particular age. Like asking them what they want to be when they grow up, or seeing how they view the world around them. 

For the moment, I’m going to assume you’re not deliberately concern trolling. But regardless, you’re misconstruing what “believe women” actually means. “Believe Women” is not a blanket statement. It’s a shorthand that we use because the more accurate statement “afford a woman reporting an assault the same benefit of

That is sad. I read somewhere that William and Harry fell out because William thought Harry was moving too quickly with Meghan but (if it is true) it seems like he was right. Yes, a year is long to figure out if you want to marry someone when you’re in your 30s but it’s an entirely different game when you’re going to

It is not about being petty. There are rules that go above the Queen about how royals can earn money. If Harry had wanted to get an office job, go back to the military, or something low key it would have been approved.

I thought ParKaren was when a bunch of men jump furiously from one thing to another yelling, “ParKaren! ParKaren!” I could be mistaken, though.

Oh, we going PEAK nerd now, my friend, and I am HERE for it.

Technically, speed always beats brute strength, because inertia (IE, force of impact, in these situations) increases exponentially, by the cube of velocity, so it quickly outgrows a guy swinging his fists. At orbital velocity, a flake of paint could penetrate tank armor, and probably then some. :)

“Bravo Jezebel. Well done.” -trlgrl (2)

As I was reading my only thought was, “black women often get fucked over but what in the ever loving fuck is this about?!” Ive been seeing “rage X” since at least the mid-2000s. Often enough that I can buy the “seen it used independently for years” excuse. Ive literally never heard of Tangerine Jones until this

I think it’s fine that they want to give up being royal.  But to say “we’re giving up being royal!  xoxo the Duke and Duchess of Sussex” is a little bit like having your cake and eating it too.  Either you’re royal or you’re not.  Stop trying to do this half-ass thing.  People will pay to have them show up at stuff

my LGBTQ+ community

You are blaming women for how men treat them and making broad, negative generalizations about women, which is a highly unattractive quality in a mate for many of us, and erases any advantage you might have aesthetically.

Ah yes. As ever, it’s the fault of women that men treat women like trash.