
Holy shit that’s heart melting.

Damn this is beautiful and shows how to be a real parent.

yes he did..

The woman he raped was a person as well.

6 inches apart at all times”

I worked an Americorps vista job when I got out of college, it’s like $4 an hour. My first job after that was $26,000...thought I was rich. I’ve never been able to make over $45,000 despite a college degree...yet I still travel and pay my bills. These people make more in a month than most people in a year and

I have a hard time understanding how people get paid millions of dollars in one year and it’s like, how will they survive without it? One year of that would cover me the rest of my life. F’in rich people. However will they survive if Charles cuts them off! Gonna have to tighten the belt on those private jet trips,

This is heartbreaking is all I really have to say. They say that they want to provide “compassion and care” to trans children but I think we all know that means they think they are morally righteous in their attempts to convince children that they are simply “confused”... These people don’t even know what it means to

Let’s get this place shut down. They’re all guilty of mixing fabrics. An absolute abomination. Let’s not pick and choose which biblical laws are judicious.

I really don’t understand this at all.  There are tens of thousands of kids in Tennessee who need homes.  How does this help?  Oh yeah it doesn’t.  It’s about punishment, for the kids, for the folks with love in their hearts, and even for the bio parents of these kids.  The lack of humanity, of compassion of even the


Why, WHY do men think that this is acceptable behavior!??!?! Fuck yes I’m generalizing, and I don’t care. 

Don’t forget about the ones who will complain that white abusers haven't been brought to justice, but everybody's picking on Black men. They seem to think Black women should wait for justice until there is racial equality for Black men. 

as a young gay man these jokes horrified me

Oh yeah, the propaganda machine was in place long ago, and at that time it’s main function was to convince gullible people into buying conspiracy theories to sell them “cures” and “prevention.”

How are you going to act? It ain’t about him. He knows who he is. It’s about you. Who are you?’” Holy shit how poignant and spot on is this? It’s. About. You. Who. Are. You. Just wow, that’s both incredible parenting and how any random person should look at issues of gender and sexuality in others.

beautiful little parts

And if their hymens were intact, this shit-stain-in-a-toilet would be saying, "Their hymens were not intact so we have no idea who else they had sex with. There's no evidence to say THIS man sexually abused them."

And I’m just gonna say this - I am 45 years old, I came out when I was 16, and every single time I’ve been called “fag” or “faggot” or any other gay slur you can think of, it has come from the mouth of a black or brown person - usually black. Does that frustrate and irritate me sometimes? Of course. Does that make me

Black people eschew all that gobbledygook about the charity and the joy of giving. That’s white-people nonsense.