Today’s feeling ; I wish someone would hit me with a branch in the sauna
Today’s feeling ; I wish someone would hit me with a branch in the sauna
For some reason my brain mistakenly read and combined the words ‘clickbait’ and ‘checkmate’ into “Clickmate, libtard!”
Nah, it’s /re-search/ as in searching over and over again for the answer that they want.
How many 12yr olds with untreated epilepsy could Jeff beat in a fight?
That’s why I say “let me hold those horses” instead.
None of them believed that accountability was more than a story to tell in the dark.....But mass panic sets in as the Witch Hunt begins. The stakes are rising and the flames burn hot as men are forced to see women as people.
To be fair, if I walked in on Laverne Cox applying lipstick in a changing room before an interview...... you’d have a real hard time pulling me away from the lesbianism-mobile.
Just keep living out of spite.
Yes, that’s what I tried to make a joke about.
Wait a punishes you for the system messing up? actively not helping you?
Totally, when they get on their knees and accept “Him” inside of them, it should be done in their own home. No more telling us how they sometimes think of us when they do it
An angel gets its wings
Pheasant hunting?
*Mitch McConnell’s neck can be heard flapping in the distance*
I’m not eyes are just sweating from all this emotional exercise...
It makes sense.
I’m really sorry if I’m stepping out of line. But I don’t think you should give up on him.
Can’t one of you start a new thread and then delete their reply after you got their info? The time gap between the response and deletion should be minimal if you coordinate it, right? So no one else should be able to see it?