
And the nutritious oils from that seed is the key ingredient in daily skincare products for rapists and rape apologists.

The people that worked on this paper offer their condolences

Let’s bring it back, I’ll lend you some nice vintage gloves to slap them with.

We all want a partner that delivers

“It wasn’t a shooting, it was bullet theft!” the white man cried

What irks me the most is that he isn’t even trying to save some face.

I guess mother was wrong, sometimes the trash DO take itself out.

“Does he know that’s not how it works?”

Or they just lit cigars and laughed.

Please tell me that she, at the very least, gave him food poisoning a couple of times

Have you tried using an air purifier?

Okay, that was WAY better than what I just posted

Color me

8th graders are usually terrifying, unsettling at best.


It’s hard to take the high road when the engine doesn’t work

*remembers the fleshlight photo on reddit*

So basically they want the significantly pricier 3D version of uploading a picture of a sticky photograph?

If you hollowed out some of the lower part of the cross, wouldn’t it break and topple over “unexpectedly” as they burn during whatever they call those events?