
The wall will pay for it

And people claim that we on the spectrum/with other disorders don’t know how to act properly in society

That’s awesome! #WWJD

Like, is he single and taking applications?

Then I guess I’ll be safe (unless they found the ‘baby talk’ condescending.....)

Golden Coke? Total deal breaker. That’s like pouring the milk before the cereal. Fucking atrocious.

I think they mean the Hilton Hotel in Paris?????

He sounds lovely. You better not have friendzoned him /s

Ahh, those crazy teenage years.


Yes, those are delicious as well.

Can they just fucking chill? I’m only going to eat them

My initial response is “can I eat it?”

Nah, I think they mean ‘ the family’s values’ as in wealth

My brain blocks that mental image by imagining that he has loose skin from his stomach hanging over it like a curtain.

Trump: I would make a tremendous ghost, believe me. This Mary? You have to say her name three times, folks. She only cares about herself. I saw her, she was bleeding everywhere, from her mouth, her ears, from her wherever.

If I pull that sword out, do I get to be the next ruler?