Wanna update ‘ sometimes bad things happen to good people’ to ‘ sometimes good people live in bad places’ ?
Haha, baking is pretty much my only bragging right
Like that bastard in grade school that blamed everything on you and then stood smirking behind the teacher as you got told off.
I think we’re playing Zero Time Dilemma and we got got stuck with the shitty timeline.
Well, it’s obviously because....umm...I mean....OH MY GOD! LOOK OVER THERE! *ducks and covers*
Same here (well, an aspie)
Like, ironically, people with mental health issues.
May I nominate Leucochloridium paradoxum? It pretty much turns snails suicidal
Whoa, slow down! Termite mounds are marvelous creations that (when abandoned ) are useful as shelters for other animals. You gotta give them some credit.
I love it
They will be when he joins them
Oh! Thank you, I appreciate that.
‘The Daily Beast has been following the work of Sevier for some time because of his bizarre antics attacking gay marriage by attempting to marry a computer’
I would actually love to see a proper documentary about all this. Like what contributions were actually made (in the way that just saying you supported or helped a cause doesn’t mean that you actually made any difference at all) , what impact did it have on society and the individuals directly involved or how themes…
On one hand, that’s probably the first wall to successfully keep people out.