I know this is a troll article but putting both Ænima and Sargent Pepper On this list is a travesty.
I know this is a troll article but putting both Ænima and Sargent Pepper On this list is a travesty.
Actually there is precedent for bans of head coverings in UK society, with the early 2000s well known for stores up and down the country banning hoodies.
no it is very unclear whether he raped her. Have you read about the details of the case? very murky... the police thought there was no case whatsoever. The text messages she sent him after the fact are bizarre and make no sense whatsoever if he really did rape her, as she claims.
This is the core of it. When a private, or publicly-privatized, company gets hit with an accusation they go into lawyer mode while we tell doe-eyed kids that “The system SHOULD protect you!”
No, a man was accused of a rape 6 or so months after it allegedly happened and neither the University nor the DA’s officer found anything to give them reasonable suspicion that it actually happened. The alleged victim did go to police but declined to have it investigated when it became clear that it would most likely…
The reason for the protest is that the school and the accused both say no misconduct was committed.
Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.
Just curious how not wanting a black man to date a white woman is any less racist than a white people not wanting mixed race dating in the 60's and any time prior in US history (and still now in some cases).
Isn’t that kind of sad that he felt he had to dump a white woman because his own people would shit on his image? I’m actually really intrigued by the Tupac letters because he really was a brilliant mind and didn’t get enough credit for it at the time.
This is what so many people seem to be missing - if Reynolds testified that Castile was reaching for his ID*, that actually confirms that he was reaching for something when 1) it was known he had a deadly weapon in his possession and 2) the officer had told him to not reach for it. At that point, for him to continue…
Tell you what, why don’t you join MI5 and we’ll see how good you are at it?
It’s not going to stop unfortunately.
Men sure are emotional and irrational lately...
You can tell they believe that by the tremendous amount of garbage and sewage they left on the “sacred” earth.
The number of men who lost their shit over this pales in comparison to the number of women who want to believe men lose their shit over some thing like this.
“There are plenty of restaurants in town that DO serve the black people. You don’t have to eat here.”
I know. I don’t know what the point of all this was. This movie was never meant to explore racial issues. Just like how Lena Dunham (who I do not care for) never set out to address race in the first season of Girls but everyone jumped all over his ass for not doing it anyway. I don’t know when this trend started of…
Apparently, it’s also culturally insensitive, “at best”, to enjoy the music of a Bollywood movie so much that you dance around your empty room. By these standards, I guess I’m practically a klansman (I can’t help it, the music is just so darned infectious).
Sorry, the white man says you should be offended.
A lot of us actually like penises, though.