
It’s very natural. Men are attracted to beauty and women are attracted to wealth and power. It’s as simple as that.

Do they sequester juries in civil trials? Ever?

There are people who would like to portray all protesters as violent thugs who only want to loot and destroy, when in fact the vast majority of protesters are honest, peaceful people who sincerely want to work towards a better world.

Here’s your ad Donald...

Woody Allen does have a handful of books already published. Perhaps a good old fashioned book burning should be organized. Maybe we could include some Chris Matthews and Al Franken books too!

I do not consider myself to be an ally. I believe in individualism. I’ll treat everyone I meet with courtesy. If you earn my respect, I’ll give you respect, regardless of the color of your skin. If you want to be a friend and if you have my back, I’ll have your back.

Girls sports should be exclusive to those with XX chromosomes. All others should compete as males.

Maybe the answer is a separate Black Academy Awards where only black people are nominated and awarded.

I just finished Recursion, it is a very well written and imaginative book. I really enjoyed it.

Scarlett Johansson has a good point, I think she is exactly right. It’s an actors job to act, it’s a casting directors job to cast the people who will perform best in the role. That performance includes putting fans in theater seats.

Enough with the apologies already. They are never sincere and they are never accepted.

I’m sure some guys would react that way. I’m also sure that if this happened every time they touched a woman inappropriately, they would stop doing it very quickly.

I think it’s actually the opposite. We want women to say something, just say it when it happens, not 6 months or 6 years later.

An argument often used against capital punishment as a deterrent is that a murderer doesn’t think they are going to be caught, hence they aren’t worried about the consequences. I would guess the same logic would hold for rapists, they aren’t concerned with the consequences when they commit the act.

Turns out there was a white guy in a pickup truck at the scene. The only thing was, he didn’t happen to have anything to do with the shooting. He was just driving while white.

Let’s not forget that there are many many innocent black men unjustly in prison. In fact i’m sure there are many more innocent black men than any other race/gender unjustly imprisoned.

I’m not sure of the specifics regarding Morgan Freeman but in general it is very risky for a male to compliment a female coworker these days.

The key to not getting into a confrontation with the police is to be cooperative and courteous. While this is not foolproof it does work more than 99% of the time.

Regardless of how well or poor he actually does, I’m certain that in your mind it will indeed be a train wreck.

And some people think men and women are the same... I don’t see any women paying men to humiliate them.