
Is it hard to find young women in the entertainment industry to interview about why they turned down a date from a Brad Pitt, Leo DiCaprio, Chris Evans, etc.?

Didn’t Olivia Wilde cheat on Jason Sudeikis with Harry Styles, her work subordinate

This kid is obviously a genius and the CIA should recruit him.    We could use him to take out Putin.  

This society is interesting. And this conflict between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is indicative of this. People could not even consider that Heard was the sole abuser in this case. In their minds, either Depp (the man) was the sole abuser or both were mutual abusers. Either he was guilty or both of them were. But the

WTF? That wasn’t chivalry and that isn’t having her back. Smith made it into a spectacle that was all about him. Even more so in that unhinged acceptance speech. He wasn’t defending Jada. Shit, he robbed her of all agency in defending herself. He acted out of long brewing perceived slights against his “manhood” due to

My takeaway from the last 14 hours is that a large segment of our population thinks that physical violence is the appropriate reaction to a verbal insult, and that physical violence at a formal event full of your peers where you hope to win an award is ok. How far we have fallen.

Jesus Jezebel’s coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been dreadful. I hardly know where to start.

I think it is disingenous to lay this all on the feet of men. In fact, I would venture to say that women are significantly more likely to perpetuate the mandate that the man has to be taller.

I feel like a lot of people siding with Amber Heard haven’t really read up on the case and take everything at face value. The evidence shows she abused him. We won’t ever know 100% to what level but it wasn’t a one off. Do I believe Johnny Depp never hit back? No I do think he did. Whether that’s abuse becomes more

And of lying to governments. Theres so much that jez will not report on concerning this. 

yes and she does have a history of abuse.

I swear, Jezebel will be the first site to say they were manipulated by Amber. When its really just willful ignorance and hypocrisy. Theres plenty to point to Amber lying and many here projecting their own experiences onto this case instead of thinking critically about it. 

‘I was hitting you, it was not punching you,’ Amber says to Johnny. ‘Babe, you’re not punched.’ Then, exasperated: ‘You are such a baby. Grow the fuck up Johnny…I did not hurt you, I did not punch you, I was hitting you.’

Jezebel certainly doesn't want anyone to forget that they are Bernie Bros till the end.

What exactly has this got to do with the unions or unionisation or somehow a gotcha that Biden hates unions (a pro-Bernie routine I’ve seen a couple times in the last few days now)? Some dickhead decided to go full NRA and refreshingly (even if politically motivated) a politician actually told the bloody truth on the


Are you thinking of the Georgian luger who died at the Vancouver Olympics? Skeleton and luge are different — luge is on one’s back, feet-first — though both insanely fast and scary. The country’s president didn’t say what kind of a sport is it that gets you killed; he said no sport should result in death; there was a

These are people dying, for fuck’s sake. Maybe not the best topic for your shitty pseudo-woke humor?

Here you thought I was a man, where I am, in fact, a cruise ship.

How come you never hear about Boys complaining about trans athletes beating them. Maybe it is because they don’t since they are disadvantaged by being biologically female for their entire life until their gender change and thus don’t get the phical development of biological males.