
all beer is primarily water... literally

the illegality varies by state and country

See opinions about looks mean absolutely nothing since everyone has different opinions.

Ugh C2s are ugly as sin

I don't think I have ever even considered in a boycott, but for them to even suggest that this was on her warrants them getting their ass handed to them by the media. That is one of the worst customer service situations I have ever heard of.

not to mention their potential for killing children, something that is a very serious threat from this species.

Why would this be used to launder illegal skins if completely legal skins are so abundant and cheap. And since down the line they cannot sell them as the illegal species anyway but rather only as their legal cousins, it doesn't seem logical for someone to sell something that is harder to come by and illegal instead of

I agree completely and utterly naive and uninformed, but not racist, I think it undermines the term when people ignorantly throw it around just to describe the naive. They are two very different serious problems in society and should not be lumped together.

can we have a list like this except based off of performance and internals... I am in the market and most descriptions of why they are ranked what they are is completely trivial. HTC "its either the best looking phone on the planet or tied for that title" oh and it has a good camera... how about any lag, how about the

I agree with you on this, especially audis, they are so f-ing bright its blinding when you are behind them in traffic.

interesting, nothing in there shows his hatred towards other races. I like how you prefer prejudice though. You have a wonderful life believing what you want to be true based on your predilections

why do so many drivers in Russia brake check busses?

So after the suspensions last week, this one would get what... 5-10 games? Just trying to get a handle on their judicial system.

definitely racist, they have to be... I mean there is no evidence, but I like being prejudice too!

Wow the guys from Automotion in Boston are becoming regulars, the V8 Saab is owned by the same shop as the Sensonic that was on NPOCP a couple of weeks ago.

I want to hug you, so many memories just resurfaced haha

I am guessing Hennessey's PR team is just far better than the others. I read about Hennessey everywhere... the others, not so much.

Just a fair warning, in some cars this charger gets stuck in the outlet and is very hard to remove...

haha you don't know what involuntary manslaughter is do you.

completing basic functions are just as easy on Facebook. the design around the higher level structure for the community is what doesn't make sense.