so its very common to kill people in cross walks?
so its very common to kill people in cross walks?
Actually not all pedestrians in the cross walk have the right of way, laws differ city to city, state to state
She should stop living her life, she should be in jail for manslaughter. If the pedestrian had the right of way, she committed a crime.
I have studied G+ and tried to get into it so that it is easy and understandable and second nature... I had to study it and read articles to get into using it.
Hmmm, then is there any space available in the Bio-dome?
or you know just add flags or something. I wish someone would invent a sport like that...
I think he was referring to all three injuries, ACL, MCL, AND Concussed... that threesome is "worst injuries possible"
So you want to move to Pennsylvania?
A deer jumped onto my cavalier when I was in high school. Head first off of a hill right into my left fender, but its momentum rolled it back against my door then rolled over the roof finally landing on the other side of the car... for it being the deer that hit me, $4200 worth of damage on a car that cost about $7000…
Just a note about cast iron pans for use as a pizza stone. Restaurant stores often have pans large enough to be suitable for a pizza, I have a nice thick 16 inch pan that I use myself for pizza and it works great, I use it on the grill since it gets much hotter than my oven(gotta love Weber!)
I hate how older vetoes look in white... but this... *drooling*
So you really don't understand auto classes. Gotchya
Again you are comparing a characteristic of a luxury car to a sports car and saying that it would hold a car designed for sport back from being world class. You sir do not understand what makes a sports car
actually you said it wasn't up to scratch for a super car. your words not mine. so you basically started the conversation with your foot in your mouth
so you are saying a sports car that has a beautiful interior, but does 5s 0-60 and a top speed of 140 is more world class than this? I think you are confusing sports car with luxury car. The "sport" in sports car has absolutely nothing to do with the what material the dash is made of.
ok, you can go spend an extra $125k for a car that performs similarly and has a nicer interior... but I think most normal people don't like doing stupid shit
oh you, you think I care what you think, thats cute!
you seem intelligent
despite your trolling, there are still plenty of Jalops who love saabs... I would guess you're a Subaru or BMW fan aren't you?
the player should have stepped on Tomlins ankle, inflict pain on an a-hole coach, and get a touchdown