
Lebron is so badass he can stare down an older Mega Star while dunking. I wish Jordan was still young enough to deny LBJ of his rings like he did to the Mailman and co.

We get it LeBron, you want to be #2.

Good for you.

Jordan is still the greatest of all time.

then Lebron James stairs down Derek Fisher before he flops to the ground

Farrell is sending a point — we didn't say anything last time, but now you're just being dumb

I'm a Red Sox fan, and based upon the way Made-of-Clay has pitched this season I hope he gets a one year suspension.

I give him a year, tops, before he comes out with his signature line of Pineda Tar.

This is one of those things where I couldn't care less if a pitcher uses pine tar—whether or not it is explicitly breaking the rules—but I wholeheartedly endorse ejecting Pineda for being such a sloppy cheat.

Real speed is acceleration from when you are already rolling, like when you're merging onto a highway, or you're powering out of a turn on some backroad.

"Will Jackson Make Washington Better?"

I don't get why it would be THAT hard. For regular joe? Sure, but with Honda's backing? Just shove a CBR motor in there and call it a day.

Kind of looks like Sriracha to me...

I am laughing out loud at this. +9 (seasons) for you.

How I was the first person to undergo a successful vocal cord transplant

How I Trolled You For 9 Years

How I Met Your Mother Stepmother, Obsessed About her for Nine Years, then Found the Love of My Life (Who Died), then Went Back to Her Because THAT was the Takeaway from This Whole Tale I've Been Telling.

Suggested syndication re-titles:

You need to learn what escalation of force means. Even in Afghanistan a soldier couldn't just knock someone over for walking towards them. And if you are ok with what the cop did then you must clearly have some underlying issues possibly from a life time of rejection by women. There is no way to justify that, the

That was not necasarry, it was a 90 pound chick, there is something called rules of engagement and escalation of force.... you are also a sad pathetic person to think that knocking down a tiny chick was good protection. Dumbass