
To the average person, N95 masks are overkill. You and I don’t need them to go food shopping. Your etsy cloth mask is fine. Telling people they don’t need N95 masks keeps your average dolt from buying a thousand and letting them gather dust in the basement after they realize it’s hard to breathe in them. Changing his

We know, of course, that all this mythology is smoke and mirrors standing in for population control...”

I love this movie unapologetically. The source book is a wonderfully pulpy read and very different from the movie -not just in terms of the expiration date that the citizens have. For example, there is no domed city, it’s the entire world at play, there’s developed areas and there’s dead zones that are essentially

Seems more like a cross between Replicas with Keanu Reeves (2016) and The Machine starring Caity Lotz (2013) than Ex Machina.

I don’t know what it is but Logan’s Run is endlessly rewatchable. If I ever catch it on tv I am instantly sucked in.

I love this movie to the degree it’s one of the few I own on Blu-ray. It all looks quite beautiful in HD. However in the Carrousel scenes you can very clearly see the wires the actors were hanging from.

For years I thought the guns were a special effect. In some scenes they may be. Actually just yesterday though I saw a video saying they were actually butane and highly unpredictable.

The Omega Man, Soylent Green and Logan’s Run are the trifecta of 70's dystopian sci-fi for me.

In Captain America: Winter Soldier when at one point in the movie Jenny Agutter’s character is revealed to actually be Scarlett Johanssen’s character in disguised, I was disappointed.  Jenny Agutter is agelessly gorgeous 

David Gerrold wrote a really good episode for it.

Now playing

did we forget to mention the awful TV series?

Has any SF fans out there had a birthday party where (even without a full on carousel) the attendees chant “Renew! Renew!” instead of singing “Happy Birthday”? If I recall correctly, there was a scene like that in the obscure-but-not-without-geeky-charms movie Free Enterprise, and I’ve always wanted to know actually

I remember when this came out and saw it in the theater. Still enjoy watching it.

I saw the movie first, which allowed me to enjoy it for what it was and not worry about what it wasn’t.  Then after that I enjoyed the books. 

I still don’t know how to properly pronounce her last name, but as a 14-yo boy when this movie came out, I fell absolutely head-over-heels in love with Jenny Agutter. I remember how it was right around the time that Farrah became popular and you saw a lot of ads featuring her, as if she had a major role in the film, bu

You must have seen it for the first time well after it came out, since the comic book series wasn’t released until 6 months after the movie.

Fun fact: the sandman’s deep sleep gun was known as one of the most dangerous props of it’s time. It actually ignited gas to produce the flame, and more than once one of them caught on fire and at least one person was badly burned.

I’d fully support making business require face masks for employees and customers as a condition for opening. Have the health inspectors enforce it and give them an F on the health rating if they do not abide by the rule. 

You you want to know the worst part? I bought a California resident 3-use pass before the lockdown. It has an expiration date, which they paused during their shut down. If Disneyland reopens, the clock starts on my tickets again. That means I have to go. 🤪