
Everybody has rules. I don’t believe for a minute that you were allowed to live with your parents and then suddenly able to do whatever the hell you wanted on your eighteenth birthday. Perhaps you were a good kid and they didn’t have many rules. Perhaps you were such a bad kid they had given up before then. But you

When you were growing up you called your parents rules strings?

In college, when Reagan was president and everyone loved him, our government teacher was explaining the two party system and that we all needed to pick one of the two major parties instead of being independent or voting third party. So it was sad at the end of the class the Democrat teacher turned the class of mostly

I’m not clear if it’s going to be a summer house full of unsupervised teenagers, which would have to be a definite no anyway, or if a family with a couple of responsible parents invited a few of their children’s friends along to some isolated place in the country, which would normally be a maybe. And I am surprised

I guess you lived on your own and paid for college and all of your expenses yourself. But a bunch of us still lived with our parents while going to college and/or needed money from our parents. Having this money and/or a roof over your head usually comes with rules.  Feel sorry for the kids who don't have that.

Odd that I have not seen it before. 

Literally, if you go try to add Peacock to your Roku channels, there is a channel of peacock pictures. 

I didn't get the point of that either. Were the children less germbombs because they don't go to Disney on their own dime, or do the paying adults run up and make the children keep their germs to themselves?

The bumper tables look like they would work most of the time. The skirts, not so much, as they only go out from the sides, not the back and front, so that people can dance, sit on couches, kiss, etc...

I have been watching videos concerning new rules for reopening amusement parks. Some of them have a rule that you have to wear a mask except when in special marked areas or when you are eating or drinking. So it looks like all you have to do to get out of wearing a mask most of the time is to just carry around a soda

Not actually everyone.

The two I am familiar with were made for TV, but I am not seeing a series unless you have advance copies of the Spielberg one.

So I wonder how the whole thing started, why people have to die at 30, etc, as I said in an earlier reply, and when people say stuff like population control I think that they haven’t watched it recently or didn’t pay attention. The computer is dealing with the population, and would do so if the age limit were 13 or 21

I only remember two versions. Seems like they were both made for TV,  one around 1980 and one around 1999. The first one had most of the stuff from the book, the second one had Leonard Nimoy, but I don't remember anything about it except a lot of people having sex and someone getting pregnant. 

I liked it,  but this is about the movie. 

I don't know anyone who made a big deal about their 30th birthday to do this. I did know people who planned to make a big deal of their 42nd birthday, Hitchhiker's Guide not Logan's Run, but either it didn't work out or I was not invited. People made a big deal of their 21st birthday for other reasons and didn't go

I loved Logan’s Run, but I saw and read everything in the opposite order, seeing the TV show first and then reading the books after seeing the movie. I live in the general area where Logan’s Run and The Lathe Of Heaven were filmed, I like visiting the locations, and I am disappointed that some of them either are not

Six Flags was going to make it up to us later when it was safe. Apparently that's now.

We are currently being charged about 40 dollars a month for Six Flags I could have cancelled 17 of that, but we didn’t because I can’t cancel the rest until September and they said that they were going to make it up to us later when it was safe. So I said okay. And it was closed and I missed it, but in the beginning

I think if I get it I won't be in the group who thinks that they may have had it or that it was like having the flu, I will be in the group that has it very bad and might die from it. So we go grocery shopping and maybe one other place like Home Depot once a week while wearing gloves and masks, and it is hot and