
Could be worse. He could have an attitude like yours. You do realize you’re parroting the logic used by anti-maskers, right?

I would assume that the OP would theoretically be helping to pay for the Big City U.

Glad you aren’t worried because it’s not actually lethal to kids.

So according to your stats, they are probably WAY more likely to disappear on the way to or from school than to get the virus at school, and you feel safe?

A friend has been in the hospital twice because of this shit.  The first time was for 3 weeks and two weeks later, another 15 days.  They are going blind in one eye because of it.

A bit of an odd attitude.  I’m guessing our 19-year-old still lives with his parents and has no means for paying for his own college.  You’re right, if he wants to strike off on his own and pay his own way in life, more power to him.  If he’s living with his parents and depending on them, is it so unreasonable to you

I can’t “try it for free with ads” if I don’t have hardware that will play it.

I’d say 99.8% of children do not go to Disney on their “own dime, time, or volition.”

Ok sparky, let us know since you’re the fucking genius here.  What should we be worried about?

The bar told everybody to wear them, so they only need to be three feet.

I don’t work at Best Buy, but a different department store, and while also in a mask mandated state, were told by corporate that we weren’t to actually turn anyone away or ask that somebody wear one.  It sucks.

I work in a store, I wear my mask properly all day long. It sucks, but I do it. The majority of cashiers I’ve dealt with at other stores though? Firmly under their nose. It’s really frustrating. I get it, wearing a mask for 8 hours a day (or more) is uncomfortable, but I do what needs to be done.  I’m in contact with

Unless you’re being tested daily then you have no way of knowing whether you’re sick. People who contract the virus can be contagious for five to fourteen days without ever exhibiting any symptoms, and some people never exhibit any symptoms (and are nonetheless contagious). Choosing not to wear a mask is choosing to

IF you’re not sick. We just spent a week with our daughter home from college. She wasn’t sick. And the weekend prior she spent with 6 of her friends. None of them was sick. As of today 5 of the girls are sick and have tested positive for COVID, yes, including our little darling. While she was home and wasn’t sick, she

It’s not just unwilling employees. I work in a grocery store in southern WI, a largely retired cottage industry community, and while unwilling employees are a part of the problem we get a lot of customers who simply don’t wear masks, don’t respect any kind of social distancing stand idle in the same spot to chit chat

Wearing your mask under your nose is like wearing your underwear under your junk. Defeats the purpose.

Seeing as we have many countries that don’t even have internet access (Hi North Korea!), I’d say that is an incorrect statement. As of last year, we still had more than 40% of the planet without broadband internet access. I’ll drink to that!

I love going to the cinema, I won’t be returning until a cure for C19 is found irrespective of what precautions they take. Plus I can’t wear my mask & glasses at the same time without the lenses fogging so cinema wouldn’t work, for me, masked.

I have the AMC subscription. I was seeing 2-3 movies a week with my friend when I worked 4x10.

Nnobody ever goes to movies. That’s how Disney made eleventy gazillion dollars at the box office last year.