
Fun fact about the 1918 flu pandemic. The second wave didn’t start til August and 2nd time it went for young healthy adults. Every day I check the stats, and every day its another 926 dead, another 1039 dead, another 849 dead. The media seems to have stopped counting at 100k a couple weeks back, an additional fourteen

I believe New Zealand has declared itself Covid-free.

Are you saying it isn’t?

In a few days, the US death toll from COVID-19 will double the US military deaths from the Vietnam War (58,000)*, which took seven or so years to reach. At about the same time, it will equal the number of US military deaths from World War I (about 116,000), a number that also includes deaths of servicemen from the

Thanks for posting his LinkedIn profile. As it shows, he’s been reporting on health issues for various venues,including such fly-by-night sites as Newsweek, since at least 2014.

I’m sure you go after science articles written by journalists at the NY Times, NY Post, Atlantic, etc. for not having PhDs in whatever field they’re reporting on, too, right? Shit, go after 90% of science writers generally. Let me know how this works out for you.

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

the only thing that will make people care about it is the only thing that would have made them care about it all along—when it directly affects them. All the ~114k deaths in the US and counting are too abstract (and also, empathy takes far too much effort and intelligence for a lot of people, and who has the time

Except unlike the boneheads we saw on the beaches and in the shops and in the Lake of the Ozarks, the majority of protestors were wearing masks, which means they were at least making some attempt to protect against coronavirus.

And the rises we’re seeing NOW are from Memorial Day, not the BLM protests.

Well from the look of things, it looks like Texas had volunteered as tribute

But I don’t know anyone that lives “statewide” people live in one place. I live in one city. If I come down if a deadly disease I can’t drive ten hours to some other part of the state. Open beds in El Paso do nothing for the people of Houston. Is real easy to make things seem abstract by agrating numbers, but those

It’s all just the same wave at this point. And sadly, it’s the first wave. It never really went away. It just shifted locations. 

We’re still on wave one. The states experiencing spikes as listed in the article got hit later, started cutting counter measures well before they peaked, and don’t seem to have experienced much of a slow down or “flattened curve”.

The whole point of all the masks and social distancing is not to prolong the struggle but to reduce the number of cases until better treatment options and/or a vaccine is available.

I was listening to a virologist on NPR a week or two ago who was saying there’s something unqiue about this particular virus in that there’s some complexity with its RNA that makes it harder for it to mutate in ways like the flu does.

Similarly, Harlan Ellison created his own front man for works of his ruined by directors, thus the infamous Cordwainer Bird, literally flipping the bird at them. 

Mary Shelley’s ode to genetic engineering,

it looks like the elderly man was carrying one of the police helmets like he was trying to give it back to them.

Where I live I can only think of one theatre which isn’t part of a chain. They likely only stay operating because they’re also the only local theatre which serves alcohol. One of the two theatre chains here though has 16 of its 17 locations in the state though. It rivals if not beats the other national chain in the