Yes, the someone was Uber (something you admit you don’t use much), and you believed it over your own ability to do math, why?
Yes, the someone was Uber (something you admit you don’t use much), and you believed it over your own ability to do math, why?
Okay, so how did you think that worked? You know how much you paid for the service, and you know that Uber keeps some of that money. Did you think that a person making that amount of money two or three times an hour (so that sometimes doesn’t even pay for their time), who then has to go and buy a lot of gas, and extra…
I remember getting very excited about $6 an hour.
Sounds about right, though I think you’d probably be let go after a couple of weeks in the draw, as soon as they could replace you. And I imagine the same of waitstaff who try to get minimum wage from their employer after a week of bad tips, so if you don’t have nice employer you would just stop trying to get the…
If they are teens they aren’t old enough to drink alcohol legally.
How do you know for sure that someone does not get commission? Did you ask or did you have that job?
I did not know any better when I was a kid. I had seen my parents leave money on the table, but it was never really explained. The school took a whole group of us to a place where that was confusing, being that it started out like a buffet, but then someone had to bring you stuff. We didn’t tip them, no one told us…
My guess would be if you put the shoes on yourself they don’t get commission, but if it is a place that you have to tell someone find me this one but blue in size 7 and they have to go get a box from the back then there’s commission involved somehow, but that’s a guess, and I have no way of knowing if it’s just a bit…
I actually cannot tell, but I tend to mostly buy shoes at places like Payless where you do not get a lot of help unless you ask for it, and I’m guessing they make minimum wage or more. It would not surprise me if other places had low hourly plus commission or just straight commission. But I can’t tell just by looking,…
There is an option now to tip the driver through the app, or you can still tip in cash if you want. A bunch of people are still not tipping, and several people lie and say that they will tip you on the app later and then they just don’t.
Maybe a year ago there wasn’t tipping on the app yet, but even before that some people were figuring out that no tipping was bullshit and we tipping in cash. We’re still using our cars, we’re still paying for the gas, etc... It does collect for tolls (not the actual amount of the toll that I used to pay, but the…
I can tell later that they did not tip. I’m assuming that most of them just don’t know any better, but I’ve had several people tell me that they were going to tip me on the app, but I guess they just say that to get rid of people and then they don’t tip. I even had one person tell me that she had already tipped me…
You implied that we should all know who is getting paid what, which restaurant employees were getting paid less than minimum wage and needed the tips and which did not, just because we live in society. We can’t know that just by looking.
This is not necessarily so. How can you tell the difference between a salesperson who is hourly, a salesperson who is mostly hourly but gets some commission, a salesperson who gets paid per day but gets some commission and expenses, a salesperson who gets mostly commission and expenses, or a sales person who is on…
But, now I know that isn’t true. So far I have not found any place where I get a straight answer that they are making minimum wage or more.
I don’t know how easy it is to get your employer to pay up when you’re short and I don’t know if it is per day or if it about the average over two weeks or what. And. I bet if someone gets less hours or laid off it’s more likely to be the one saying they are owed money.
The signs are necessary because you don’t know if the person working at the buffet is hired as waitstaff and therefore being paid less. In the past, I did not think of them as waistaff so it never occurred to me that most of their money should come from tips. A few places put up signs or handed out cards that said…
You don’t really, though it would be nice to know who is on commission and who is on straight commission so I could at least not waste their time if I’m not buying anything that day. But,people at restaurants that are not fast food places, I guess if below minimum wage is a thing in your state you assume that is what…
But, you are under the impression that the guy selling shoes is at least making minimum wage. If you found out that he wasn’t and it was expected that you tip, wouldn’t you either tip him or buy your shoes somewhere else?
I had always thought that people working at buffets were not considered waitstaff, they were busboys or something that got paid minimum wage or more. So, not sure if they were supposed to be tipped or not, we would usually leave them a dollar or two. And then if we found out more was expected at a place we went often…