
Replicators are real. They print thyroids and stuff now.

Maybe if you write the whole thing and send it in we can read it later. Maybe on some future Monday there will be a whole thing about insane coffee people.

When I was very young and did not know about tipping, my parents took me to a place, and I notice there were some quarters on the table. And my parents laugh and tell me someone accidentally left this money. So, you know, if someone left it, I guess I could have it. And then my dad tells me if I touch the money a

I totally understand about the crunchy. But please do not eat the wild chickens, they are endangered.

I understand that things are cheaper at Walmart. I don't understand that you are going to quit shopping at the place that is nice to their employees and shop at a place that is ordered to pay more, and you think that there won't be that much of a price increase. Plus if everybody does that, the nice employers will

I really have trouble with your math. Your math at the movie theater made no sense. You now spend $80 a week more than you think you have to, but this is going to go away? And then you'll have an extra $80 to spend on art? Not sure how that will work, but great, I'll sell some art.

Didn't say we shouldn't do it, just everybody seems to be ignoring that people lose hours/jobs every time minimum wage increases even a little bit, so obviously things will get crazy raising it that much. But if they do I might look for one of these jobs myself. 40 hours is out of the question, and I have trouble

Not all movie places are seven dollars, and that isn't seven dollar profit anyway. The lights will be off for the extra 24 hours they close. Like I said, if they manage to somehow get an extra ten dollars an hour profit that will still be less than the more than more than $300 they would save by closing.

I'm not sure how you figured that. Two more people would be like an extra dollar plus concessions, if they buy any. I usually don't. But even if they got an extra ten dollars they'd still be short. Plus they'll save some more money turning off the lights and such.

Some places will be open less. I am afraid my local movie theater will do what they did at the place I used to work. Since they are down to two people during the day they just won't open during the day anymore. Then I'll be going to the movies less. Stuff like that.

This is what I heard over and over again from my Dad. The top person in Japan only makes ten times more than the janitor. So there's either a limit to what the top person can make, or the janitor gets really big raises.

They often don't need one employee to work 40 hours or two to work 20 hours. They just don't need people there all the time. The job that used to be three or four hours just because they couldn't get anyone to come in for less money will now be two hours or less, and at the end of the week that will be 10 hours and

Some of them just won't have jobs. The fry guys won't have jobs anymore (if the fry guys even still have jobs now), and the other employees will be annoyed for having to do extra work. A couple of the employees will now have nice paychecks and won't mind having to do extra work. Some employees will have nearly the

There are all these studies that get quoted and people point to other places where this or that is done, but I'm still guessing that people will get laid off, have hours cut, etc.... That is what happens. Does it always happen? Probably not. Will the jobs and hours come back later? Maybe.

Until the last decade or so, I would have said not change anything. I thought I was happy enough with my life that I wouldn't change the things I was unhappy with for fear of changing the things that I was happy with.

See, if I had one of these, it wouldn't matter that I can't park straight. Just park the car, pick it up, put it where it is supposed to go.

How can you despair? Ice cream.

I can totally see that, I just don't get it when it's just the two of them and neither of them is ordering anything.

Well, I went to an ice cream place that gave you a discount for bringing your own banana, but that was their idea not mine.

Silly me. I thought I was reading Behind Closed Ovens.