
consulting anyone working under Trump’s watch other than to hold their feet to the fire is a travesty. those who point out he has credentials that warrant his opinion worthy of being public should pay attention to the fact that its still unsubstantiated speculation and it never matters where that comes from.

I can guarantee you that his expertise (regardless of it being good or bad) was NOT the reason he was chosen for the position.

In other news, Nobel laureate James Watson is also known for voicing his opinions that certain races are inherently, genetically inferior to others. You know, the same Jim Watson who essentially founded the scientific field of molecular biology and genetics 50 years ago.

“I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human,” Redfield told CNN correspondent Sanjay Gupta

I’m inclined to agree. It implies that literally hours elapsed without a single cop driving by.

Can’t wait to see people challenge the food and water thing. People will show up to give food and water to show how ridiculous such a law is, get arrested, and then sue the hell out of the government for how unconstitutional it is for such a thing.

So not only does this legislation add a number of limitations to absentee voting, but it also then prevents the people who are voting in person—many of whom were forced to wait in line for hours to cast their ballots in the 2020 election—from getting fresh food and water from volunteers.

I prefer to believe there are a bunch of workers struggling to meet their quota with their tiny toasters.

It’s incredible how all these lone wolves that aren’t a problem have killed more Americans than jihadist terrorism since 9/11.

It’s amusing that prosecutors are leading with calling the post “offensive” (and “unacceptable” in the BBC article), but not “untrue.”

Reaction #1 - 999: how appalling and horrible.

The suspect has been taken into custody by police and transported to a local hospital for an injury, authorities say.


This article was cool enough in its own right, but I hope it’s just a teaser for a series of articles about Project 459 because that sounds like a pretty intense build with a really awesome design goal. I would gladly read lots more about it.

Ah apartment life. Where they try and fuck you every which way they can because you’re not poor enough.

It would still be a problem because it’s unsafe software being beta-tested on public roads.

to all the people sucking Elon’s dick in the comments: Jalopnik reports on Tesla’s FSD failures because TESLA MARKETS THEIR VEHICLES AS SELF DRIVING. If Tesla didnt advertise their vehicles as self driving, this wouldn't be a problem.

Fuck the police

Remnants of old Jalopnik is good Jalopnik :D

I think smalleyxb122 is being sarcastic but it’s hard to tell nowadays :)