
Meh, someone elses problem (drives away)

OAN is NOT far right, it is outright Russian propaganda, funded and created by Russia.

Lobo > F150, no question. 

Lol good luck with that, Giz

“stock is sacred”

It’d be kinda apt to see someone partake in skeleton bobsledding, whilst wearing such attire.

You need to find you some Drank or Purple Stuff relaxation beverages. But these may just be in the south LOL

all I want to know is will my vet be handing out treats after getting the shot? If he gives a biscuit to my dog I don’t know why I shouldn’t expect at least equal treatment.

“Netflix activating camera and GPS as authorized by terms of service agreed to, but not read, by customer 8675309...

You don’t have to be at two places at one. If you are at one location and a member of your household is at another it shouldn’t be a problem, because you are both from the same household. The burden of proof on Netflix should be to prove that you all are not from the same household.

Even easier: a household can have any number of people in it. If one is at the main house watching Netflix, while another is on vacation in Hong Kong watching Netflix, while another is staying with a friend, while another is camping in their $200k RV watching Netflix via a terrible Satellite connections...well, they

It’s gonna be a weird day when they realize all of their assets evaporate when the power goes out. 

I’m not going to call you any kind of liberal, or even a conservative. Just an idiot and a probable racist.

This is the sort of shit cops should actually be useful for, and guess what, they did fuck all. 

when are they coming

It wasn’t a date.  He’s married.  She was being polite and he’s being a creep.

No but only because he was the villain long before he was rejected lol

Is this a real life case of someone becoming a villain because the girl turned him down for prom?

I like that the final question gives you the chance to turf the rest of the survey outright.