
I’ll be disappointed if it’s not called Pillow Talk.

Is it called “My Parler” ?

“I call it. . . the Footlong.”

I once had to aim my 79' Monte over a big buck that was just randomly lying dead on a country road late at night in the fog.  By the time I saw it it was too late to make a big move so I just steered it so the body went under my car between the wheels, I still remember feeling the head/antlers on the floorboard as the

I was driving a huge Class A motorhome. It’s sundown, on the Cassiar Highway. For those of you who don’t have reoccurring urges to drive across north America, from east to west, then head northwest through Canada and Alaska to the point that the road literally ends, the Cassiar might not be on your commute list. It’s

Waiting for ACME to deliver his order to catch the Road Runner

Not even canids pay attention to road rules in LA.  

Was he painting a tunnel on the side of a mountain?

That sounds very much like the attitude of wild Turkeys, who will literally attack your vehicle if you’re courteous enough to slow or stop so as to avoid hitting them. I’d love to see a Swan vs. Turkey bout, now I have to go look on YouTube....

Last guy was like “I’m fine, I’m fine, I meant to do that”

I used to ride my bike late at night in Los Angeles; cooler weather, no traffic, insomniac.

I went to a high school with a several hundred acre campus. Pretty darn nice.

So, is there a reason why the people you’re quoting don’t get recognition? I don’t mind having AOTD in a slide show as much as being on it and not getting credit.

and harder.

In my opinion it’s not even the best new livery this year (that goes to the Alpine A521):

What livery??? It’s a bad shade of green with a not particularly interesting black two-tone and a pink stripe. This is like the third outlet I’ve seen raving about this thing. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Looks like it flew again.  Just a LOT sooner than they would have liked.

If I got to choose the way I die being blown apart in one of Elon Musk’s vanity projects isn’t really in my top 10.

If they bow to the current donors, they’ll lose the future donors who are at college right now and signing petitions to get rid of it. It is a better long term investment to take the hit now, probably from boomers who will die soon anyway, and invest in the goodwill of the current crop of students for future

Disband the team. Turn the stadium into a mass vaccination site. When the pandemic is over, bulldoze it and use that location for something useful.