
You know, not every stupid thought in your fucking head has to be put out there for the world to see, asshat.

This. It’s every bit as likely (probably more likely) that these were farm workers being driven to the next farm.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

People want cheap produce. This is the cost.

My Adiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidas!

Is it a bug when it’s intentional?

And this son of a bitch will, at best, be convicted of two or three misdemeanors. Meanwhile, oh you could pick out a hundred contrasting injustices, there’s a woman who has spent years in jail for making the accidental mistake that she thought she could vote in Texas.

Regardless of his political affiliation, the mere fact that he a) hit someone while driving home from a fundraiser (probably drunk), b) he kept going without stopping to see what he hit (probably because he was drunk), and c) waited to call and return to the scene (probably so he could sober up because he was drunk),

It’s been like that for about a month now. 

Kinja no longer seems to let us lowly peasants insert links into comments, especially inline links. I had the same thing happen last week.

Just this weekend, I had a post that Kinja seriously mangled around a link that I tried to insert. Clearly, the Kinja devs have been at it again. Obviously QA is something that they have never considered doing.

I worked on a project that chartered this thing in order to meet a tight delivery and was SUPER disappointed when I didn’t get to go see it get loaded at the airport. We had to air freight a bunch of drilling equipment with this as it was the only plane capable of carrying the cargo which normally shipped via barges &

Did anyone else have a strong emotional reaction to Ryan Fischer (Lady Gaga’s dog walker) getting shot and left for dead? I don’t know what stood out to me so much about that story besides how senseless and violent it all was. I feel so badly for Ryan- how fucking terrifying. I hope he finds peace after this trauma.

Aside from her racism and knowing nothing about the case, what does Ms. Taylor’s death have to do with forensic science?  And when did they start teaching forensic science in high school?

Welcome to Kinja. Since the start of the year, Kinja’s link posting ability was either code mangled or shot off.

Been like this for weeks. Kinja is on cruise control, smashing through hedgerows and light poles, while Herb is asleep behind the wheel. 

I don’t think they were running away. Article said that all the normal trains are down because of a supposedly bad situation with corona, so the gov probably gave the diplomats this thing since it’s easier to carry all the luggage that way. Once they cross the border, some soldiers or maybe just family pick them up

It most certainly is a negotiation. I’ve worked with an Indian tribe and they’ve become very adept at playing the victim card. Usually it’s a shakedown for a payout; then they start to infighting over which of their own factions get it. See casinos, Keystone XL Pipeline, literally any government social program and now

So, maybe, just maybe letting off the ring leader of the insurrection wasn’t a good idea?

Former FBI Asst. Director Frank Figliuzzi was on MSNBC last night. He basically said it had nothing to do with “raw intelligence”. In talking about the predominantly white chain of command,