
Am I wrong, here?

Yuuuuuuup. If this is an unforeseen, life-saving action for you, that’s a very, very bad sign.

In her case, AutoPilot probably saves a life or two every time she gets behind the wheel. 

The earth lifted the car into the path of the plane.

I see no historical evidence that Young Pharaoh even exists.

That is a level of petty I can respect.

“...there is something lucious here but I’ve not had enough coffee to figure it out.”

It’s easy to Darwin Award this guy...except there’s going to be a kid who’ll never know their father. That’s just very sad.

Given the quality of their software, I find it pretty amusing that Elon thinks that Tesla has a “standard of excellence.”

He spun a whole fake story about how the media supposedly followed her around sticking a camera up her skirt and that, not her talent, was the reason for all the attention. Part of his creepiness here is to demean Wie.

Unless you are Cherokee, you don’t have a right to “call bullshit” on their feelings regarding the use of their tribe’s name to sell a product. You also don’t get to decide if something is derogatory to them or not.

It was much worse, they went after individual users of Napster.  Trying to bankrupt grandmas and shit.

Just putting it in perspective. If instead of COVID existing, if one plane crashed a day there would be outrage on both sides of the aisle and so much action would take place until it was fixed. And that would lead to 1/10th as many fatalities, so it would actually be a better alternative than a large portion of

Also this guy:

That’s what you get for suing Napster. 

Had that plane crashed and everyone on board perished, only 10 more of those would have to occur to surpass yesterday’s COVID-19 deaths in the US.

haha nerd

It’s a Dual Shock to the digestive system.

controller rumble

He will later