
For anyone who missed it, there was about 80 comments on this post earlier today. There was 12 when I posted the above comment, then only 4 a couple minutes later.

Holy fuck did y’all delete all the negative comments on this? Very bold to fuck with your own readers like that. 

Is making ads exceptionally easy to accidentally click a dark pattern?

“We don’t sell cars in Japan and we don’t sell cars in the Middle East at the moment,” he continued. “I wanna race where I sell cars, which is why I want to race in Europe and the USA.”

I didn’t even get a sticker when I got vaccinated :(

That last paragraph..

the transaction is intended to “demonstrate the application of grifting beyond Earth’s orbit and set the foundation for interplanetary grifting.”

iirc a big no-no at snl is hosts not taking rehearsals seriously. And I get strong “fuck rehearsals I’m rich” vibes from musk.

I can’t think of any famous person I’d recognize if they were wearing a mask and inside an ihop.

I was hoping it’d be chargeable with an Apple Watch charger. I can never find one of those weird little batteries when I need one. 

Breathable air. 

I wonder what specific things aren’t dialed in yet. Radio presets? HVAC knob detents

Can’t wait to get banned for posting on the sabbath. 

Is the an Emmy category for hats? If so, I nominate the sculptor of that wonderful iceberg hat. 

Fellow American here; I have no clue how much 100 km/h weighs. 

He drove 30 miles with just his knees?

At least I can read it now..

I miss being able to read jalopnik. 

This isn’t facebook’s fault. It’s your fault for not changing your birthdate on a regular basis. 

My old apartment had a sink that was also a counter. And a stove. And a fridge. An unholy amalgamation of kitchen.