
Condemning Israel for committing war crimes is antisemitic? What do you call the countless Jews who have called out Bibi, Likud, and the “settlers” for a decades-long campaign of ethnic cleansing and provocation?

2006 was 17 years ago. The average age in Gaza is 18 years old. Most of the people the IDF is trying to genocide into oblivion did not choose Hamas because they weren’t old enough to vote.

That is a total mischaracterization of what she did.  She condemned killing of innocents by anyone.  How on earth is that a controversial take?

OK, bootlicker.

Its not a security issue. If he boards another plane with another carrier or leaves the airport will know. They track every little thing you do in an airport. The airlines don't handle the security anyways its just a bluff to fool people.

I hear that McDonald’s is also going to start banning people who don’t finish the entire drink in their combo meal, even if it’s mostly water from the ice melting.

You said it yourself: feeling. The justice system is supposed to take decisions based on facts, not emotions, and it sounds like they did in this case. 

Following the Manson case through the years, there’s really very little evidence that Leslie van Houten would harm anyone without Charlie Manson telling her acid-addled 19 year old self to do so. Not defending her horrible crime, but calling van Houten a “spree killer” is inaccurate. Manson is dead and his influence

No it isn’t, and families should have zero say in sentencing from their opposite of impartial perspective.

Don’t reply to the Dr. Emilio Lizardo parody account (hover your pointer over their username, you’ll see the URL goes to a different account). They are a documented troll.

What’s wrong with a carb? You don’t think Honda has this sorted in 2023? Bikes with carbs run just fine.

You pulled every single one of these from Reddit that was posted 3 says ago... at least give some credit or pretend to be original? https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/10tt1hd/dont_water_a_grease_fire_dont_mess_with_a_garage/

welcome out of the greys, but if you think abusive nonsense in comments sections is a thing of the past, I have a bunch of bridges to sell you

Hey, uh, would I get in trouble for saying “fuck off” here? I don’t spend a lot of time in Jezebel comment sections. I’ll just imply it here and take my chances.

The keyword in your post is “family sawmill” I have farmer friends and their 11 and 12 year olds are helping them harvest tomatoes this summer. Are they working in the same conditions as migrant workers working on other farms? Absolutely not. There is no doubt that these kids were being exploited. 

If we’re going to balk every time we have the opportunity to make any changes because we might lose political control, what do we need political control for? We obviously aren’t doing anything with it. 

Have always appreciated your unfazed take on the state of the world that we live in, which is obviously impossible to separate from car culture (as much as bootlickers in the comments would like to think it is). Calling it like it is, dunking on bootlickers in the comments, and looking forward to the electrified

This is my 2430th—and final—blog as this site’s night man. After five years of writing here almost every day, I am moving on to pursue a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I will still occasionally publish some freelance posts here, and really want to see what Bob can do with the place.

Sir Herb has said we can’t do

Last year at this time, Musk was the darling of the environmental crowd”