
Latest apple watch price starts at $400

You know, it’s really sad, people have hurled that “jumping on the bandwagon” crap at me for well over a decade now. I would have thought that by 2020 we’d be better than that.

This is the major issue. Qanon people are champing at the bit to execute democrats in the street, because they think political figures are torturing and eating children in a satanic ritual and to harvest adrenochrome as a life extension elixir. It has nothing to do with any actual crimes.

This particular criticism rings hollow.

Bold of you to assume I’m straight (especially given my bio)

I loved the “I want to stay out of it.” You’re the one who put yourself smack dab in the middle of this shit, dude. You were just too much of a coward to sign your name. Now that you’re publicly identified, you’re too chicken to stand behind what you disseminated. Coward. 

Considering Q nutters are involved my mind went straight to death threats on his family.

They wanted to better leverage ad revenue, not make the site functional. 

And yet through all that, Kinja still massively sucks.

I’m pretty surprised that people who comment on here constantly still endure the instability caused by ads on mobile. 

Ads... I endure them on desktop, but they make the site is horrifically unstable on mobile. So, I, uh, made made some changes to it useable on mobile.

At least .25 miles confirmed so far. 

There seem to be a lot of chickenhawks that vociferously support Trump, don’t there? Perhaps they see something in his bullying, boastful behaviour that they recognise in themselves.

When those on the right whine about this article being based on anonymous sources, keep in mind that Trump is NOTORIOUSLY vindictive, and anyone who dared speak against him would wind up with their career a smoking ruin, just like LTC Alexander Vindman.

Fortunately, veterans like myself and current service members picked up on this character trait relatively early and Donald Trump is not popular with the military. Unfortunately our patriotic conservative family members have decided we suck for not actually loving (Trump) America and accuse us of being naive idiots

I complained a few months ago about how the ads fuck with my “reading rhythm”. I scroll past the ads to a new paragraph, then I’m all, “where was I?”. And don’t get me started on the fucking videos that compete with the article and pull focus.  

look i know that ads and site layout are not on the writers at all, but gdi is there somewhere i can send an email about how ugly/impossible this site is on mobile? like

you sound like everyone i work with

That’s fucking stupid.

Meanwhile, millions of US workers are still without jobs, either due to economic collapse or government fiat.