
Is sideways aero a consideration now, at least for cars meant for the track? Seems like it’d be a good thing for safety if race cars were designed to stay down regardless of the direction of travel.

a 0-60 time of ‘downhill’

Having too many Tabs open will do that.

Those sound like qanon, child-trafficking obsessed people rather than just regular anti-maskers. Both are shitty, but the former is definitely gone beyond saving. 

It’ll really help your game to still be alive, if nothing else.

Men feel emasculated wearing masks, and the risk of having one’s lungs fill with fatal amounts of fluid is worth it to avoid looking like a dweeb. Following safety guidelines is weak or something

Someone who had just left G/O posted a while back that the team that handles that crap was reduced to two people. That would slow things down quite a bit if they are prohibited from gripping the user lists and banning any Lizardo who is not the real one.

In their defense, they have cancelled literally hundreds of his accounts, but don’t have the tools to prevent him from making new ones with a different username, but the same screen name and avatar. They don’t have IP banning. I don’t see Great Hill Partners investing in any more vigorous tools either.

He’s currently copy/pasting replies on Jalopnik, where not as many people recognise his act.  It’s ridiculous. Just spam everywhere.

Hey Ishena, are you or anyone else in the Root (or Kinja generally) ever going to do anything about the deranged troll who’s been harassing another user by taking his name and spreading vicious racism and misogyny on thread after thread for months, maybe years now? Or are you going to sit around with your

Laizer, a father of 30,

I have had similar conversations with conservative family members regarding multiple subjects. Every time they pull the “yeah but [insert criminal/corrupt/sleazy Democrat or liberal here] did something just as serious” I tell them good, then prosecute that person too.

Before we hear any of the greys talk about how this is ruining those Dems with the ramifications of Clinton....

Before we hear any of the greys talk about how this is ruining those Dems with the ramifications of Clinton....



Visible knots and terrible joints. Look at those gaps between panels!

Why would your chauffeur deserve any sort of luxury. The fact that he has a regular seat and not an old milk crate has more to do with separating you in the rear compartment from him than his actual needs. 

for your servants...