
For comparison, here’s what a window is supposed to look like.

Unfortunately I don’t think this would work well in modern “wagons”

My favorite part is the rim orientation(s).  

Don’t even need to be very creative. Just right “warehouse” on a piece of paper and hold it in front of its camera.

I did the math and they are literally removing 32 seconds worth of plastic pollution from the ocean. 

Who is worse at food, computers or England

I think I’m most upset about the stairs not having any handrails. 

Oh cool I’d love to own a car that gets totaled the first time I spill a soda inside of it. 

Expertise is not evidence. 

Pretty fucking irresponsible of CNN to give a platform to this guys unfounded opinion

Imho the fact that it sat in the street for hours puts it squarely in finders-keepers territory.

it is unclear why they would explore, much less inhabit, the alien and likely lethal environment at their planet’s surface.”

Exceptions are made for people under 18 who are married”

I’m so ready for the “Hoon a 3hp Dodge Challenger Challenge”

Kinja’d/double post

It’s at least ten now.

Welp that is officially my new favorite color.

They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E. 

Laugh now but you’re gonna regret not investing in NFTs when the climate apocalypse happens and potable water becomes the de facto currency. 

Sooo much sketchy funding in the “far right” “news” world.