
The snow is real. But Texas is fake.

You’re equating Native Americans to animals. You’re part of the problem. 

That’s what you get for suing Napster. 

Harron please remember us when you’re famous(er)!

Dear Gizmodo dot com, I’ve personally scrolled past enough ads on your site today to pay for the fish tank. Do the right thing.

Did someone force you to read this blog? Are you being held against your will? Star my comment if you need us to call 911 for you. 

They do reposts on holidays.

Four fucking days. It took me longer than that to pay my last parking ticket. 

Nice reminder that Twitter doesn’t give a fuck about anything but it’s own ass. Sorry farmers, victims of white suprematists, democracy, etc.

The telecom’s headquarters are in Norway. I doubt they’d invade Norway to arrest anyone.

The company also highlighted that the directive violated international human rights law.”

The flying car was invented in 1936.

Kinja hates links now. It’s the latest in their* campaign to make reading this site as miserable as possible.

Harbor-freight engine swap it. Then turn the broken v12 into a coffee table to sell on Etsy for $15,000. 

Guys I swear this tech is just two years away. 

I’d have a lot more confidence in SpaceX if they didn’t park their prototype right next to a giant explosion.

Counterpoint: just never wash your cups. 

Dates like that are all still sci-fi dates to me

working with a group of unnamed co-conspirators”