
The Jezenik/Jalobel Morning Barf”

deliberations will take 90 days”

Did Bigfoot pay you to write this obviously anti-Bigfoot-hunting blog?!?

It looks like all the italicized links are broke..?

If that’s a flying car, then so is this

He’s busy gramming apparently. 

I have a bad feeling Miller is up to some (extra) slimey shit right now. 

Just a heads up; owning a gun actually makes it MORE likely that you, your wife, or your child will be killed be a gun.

Speaking of rats and sinking boats..

Guy On Porch: They’re destroying the fucking city and it’s like nobody gives a shit. When it was Black Lives Matter they had tanks rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue but they let these fucking crackers take over the goddamn capitol building!”

It’s not that they aren’t read for a little political unrest...

They’re not simply flying home from DC at this point.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out Trump has a routine 12 hour bunker inspection scheduled tonight. 

Twitter could have prevented this coup attempt. 

What in the ever loving fuck is happening in DC right now?”

“Saves mass & cost of legs & enables immediate repositioning of booster on to launch mount—ready to refly in under an hour,” added Musk.

iirc he mention something in the thread about there not being any other food in the house