
It’s a good hole to fall into. Getting to fly a plane that big that close to its limits seems like it’d be a pretty fun gig.

Eh idk, I think he’s more like the kid in class who thinks if he screams loudly enough no one will notice his piss soaked pants. 

Ugh the official responses reeeeeek of bull crap.

A demented dementor with dementia. 


Hennessey Performance Engineering. 

They ad ran 88 times. They knew exactly what they were doing. 

Yea so I don’t think that whole “China bad” argument really holds much water right now... everyday it seems there’s just more and more parallels between bunker boy and emperor for life.

the appalling way Donald, Fred Trump’s favorite son, dismissed and derided him when he began to succumb to Alzheimer’s.”

It’s ridiculous how much I have no idea if this is fake or just England. 

Or they bought into the conspiracy at first, then the money starts rolling in, making any personal doubts easy to ignore.

Ok all you grays, listen, the federalist doesn’t give a shit about you/it’s readers. They only care about money. They (and others like them eg. Fox News, alex jones, trump, the confederate army, etc, etc..) care more about money than they care about you, America, God, or even ya’ll’s shared hatred of women and

Actually it’s pants.

To be fair though a bucket is technology. 

I’m 28 so I’ll attempt to explain.

Eh, trump’s campaign manager said the quiet part out loud. They just want that sweet sweet data.

Crap my bad

• Walking down a ramp.