
Nope, websires hate autocorrect.

That’s like an alarm clock, woowoo!

And the N-word predates the birth of Christ, so not really sure what your point is.

Ugh it’s so weird (and also not that weird) how many parallels exist between this and what I’ve seen from Trump-twitter-hellscape..

Name checks out. 

APD deny that the purpose of posting these photos was in any way related to recent events.”

Omg call the FBI, I found the leader of Antifa

Shady companies never give a crap; until people find out they’re shady and call them out on it.

Gosh it sure would be a shame if someone found the email addresses for all the Grenasys sales reps, then sent them emails about how their LRAD is being used to suppress free speech.

Here in Austin Texas, at an emergency city council meeting yesterday it was announced that police would no longer use bean bag rounds in crowd control situations.

I totally agree about looking inward/examining ones own biases etc; that’s all very good.

That wouldn’t surprise me at all at this point. 

Thanks Tom, keep up the good work!

Yea I tried to edit my comment to be more inclusive of the myriad of acronyms and agencies involved, but I think I missed the window.

I really hope all the cops that have been taking a knee, giving cookies to protesters, “engaging in dialog with protesters” while the cameras are rolling, and then tear gassing/firing rubber bullets at Americans read this.

DEA, CBP, FBI, Secret Service, National Guard, Army... all for a protest?!

Americans: “Hey cops stop murdering black people.”

Trump won’t fit in a culvert though

I can’t even articulate a decent comment right now, too angry. It’s so obvious what’s happening.