
So instead of helping these 4,300 kids, our government is gonna punish anyone brown who even tries to help them. Ugh. Can we please just launch Stephen Miller into space?

Can’t wait to watch them rescue that crane

If I could Ctrl+C a car, I’d totally steal a car. 

Good point. Xbox Carlet is a bad name. I’d buy an Xbox Carley though.

Yikes! I hadn’t heard of that BMW, I wish I could go back to not knowing that run-on sentence of a bad name exists.

Companies are bad at naming things (e.g. Mustang Mach-e, iPhone 10XRS, Tesla Model XYZ3). They should’ve just called it the Xbox Scarlett. I should be in charge of naming all the things.

I’m usually totally against huge company mergers, but “WHATSAGROOK” would be such a good company/app name...

Don’t share your password with your parents/best friend/significant other; they WILL sell it on the dark web!!!!!!! 

I love it when Kinja Kinja’s itself (and it’s ad-partners)

Faster ET than a Dodge Demon, but less than half the trap speed. Not too shabby!

I’m ok with that

Add an N badge and some sporty paint and I’m sold

“...a Hyundai that will enter production in Mk2 form costing a lot less than £100k”

by the way, anyone clicking that link hoping to see a member of Congress drenched in slushie, sorry to disappoint but...

“...the more secure the algorithm is from bad actors who would seek to “game the system.””

Chances these “alien alloys” are actually something made by aliens; basically 0% chance.

“Can someone please remove this annoying fucking thing from my face?”

And I’m willing to bet you drove that Intrega longer than most people keep a phone

Only two phones, I’ll vote nice price

Jalopnomics is the only way I can make sense of anything in this world.