
If it doesn’t pass, drivers will be banned from stopping for passengers in lanes of traffic


As a scenic overlook, it is fantastic.

Well this answers my "How effective are those barriers?" question.

For me, that is also the craziest thing I've ever had to do to my car. I had to take mine to a mechanic once for new brake pads because I was living in a dorm and preparing for finals. Long story short, I ended up yelling at the owner of the shop that I in fact knew exactly what is involved in changing brake pads, and

It depends on whether Gaga leaked it, or if Gaga's label leaked it.

Thats been my theory since the trial started.

When I was in elementary school, we got "Say no to drugs" speeches.

Don't forget about the much feared Camry cop cars.

The worst war ever :[

I am obsessed with sunsets and sunrises. I'll drop everything to go snap a picture of a sunset if the clouds look good that day.

Sorry if this makes me narrow minded, but this doesn't look like the type of person who would put on a bird mask to troll google.

Say goodbye to your legs.

NXNW for short. At least I hope so.

Still waiting for my damn croissants...

Tea related articles should always be written in the inverted pyramid format.

Yeah Eno is great studying music. Lately though Ive been studying to Daft Punk's new album. Its one of those great, subtle album that gets better with every listen.

Me and my 7 year old self agree with the H1.

These four steps have not helped me start writing the essay I have due tomorrow. I am disappointed.