
M3's are pretty nice, but...

My main camera is actually a Leica M3, and I shoot with my Olympus OM1 when I want the extravagance of a built in light meter.

I wish there were more cameras like this. Every camera should have a dedicated shutter speed dial and aperture ring.

The Velvia bottle is cheaper than a roll of Velvia...

I think all movie industry related problems could be solved if we just paid actors less money.

What do you think?

I wonder if the popularity of iMessage negates it's relative security; I'd imagine there's far more effort spent trying to crack iMessage than any other service. So even though it's pretty secure, if there's any security weakness it WILL get found.

I guess falling on a pile of dirt and rocks feels like a nice soft landing when you're a massive chunk of potential countertops.

Is that a Nikon rangefinder? Please tell me you shoot that thing! A Nikon RF is one of my "dream cameras"

I'm talking about USD. 'Mercicuh.

Yeah, I paid 10 for my OM1 and it came with a 50/1.4 and a 21/2.8. I actually felt bad about how little I paid for it. And my XA1 was a dollar! But you really have to go to A LOT of garage sales, estate sales, and thrift stores for those kind of deals.

I found a work-around.

I agree with basically everything in the video, and Im a big Japan Camera Hunter fan... but $1000 is a crazy huge budget! You can find plenty of truly great cameras at garage sales for under $20. (e.g., Olympus OM1, Canon AE1 Programs, 1970's fixed lens rangefinders, manual focus lenses galore)

This is tragic. I am deeply bummed that I'll never get to see them live again. Kath and Glass are both incredible artists, I hope to see new projects from both of them soon.

I think we may be talking about the same bridge. They were probably trapped out on the bridge; IIRC there's no way off the bridge when a train is on it. You either jump sixty feet to a dry creek bed or get under the tracks on the support pillar.

This is the first phone I could see myself using instead of my iPhone.

GoPros just give humans views of things they never thought they'd see before.

@everyword was my favorite till they ran out of words

You're totally right. But for the record the 6 has the same aperture as the 5s; and you'd probably need more than f2.2 to make your drunk friends less blurry.

I want an amazing lens with no stupid design sacrifices. Considering they are probably going to sell about 4.8 trillion of these, I think its ok to expect perfection.