David Trethewey

Born between 1995 and 2012, Generation Z is considered to be independent and competitive workers who want to write their own job description and work for organizations with similar social values. They also have an incredible understanding of and passion for digital media.

Thank God the Vikings finally have somebody hip and young to connect with their fans.

I’m not even into fallout but this is the last thing I want out of a Wiki. Its why I can’t stand going to IGN for game news. If you just want a few pieces of information- a video takes way too long. At least for me, 90% of what I look up on the Web can be solved with a little text and/or images. If I want a

I love him unabashedly. I want to ruffle his hair and fix his lil lapel flower so it sits just so.

And yet he’s still better than Beth and Rex. It is painful.

I don’t think the truth of your statement is as cut and dry and you want it to be. Likely the reason you are catching a bunch of flack in this article. Also because for some reason you are trying to carry water for a league that didn’t give a flying fuck about steriods until it was bad for business and not a second

bonds mcgwire and sosa didn’t break any rules.

Fair point. Before 1962, sports, especially professional sports, were pure as the driven snow. Alas, now we’re in an era where players want to get paid and teams cheat .. CHEAT .. to win games. I miss the halcyon days. Let’s Make Sports Great Again.

I fully believe he cheated. He also hit 73 home runs and holds the single-season home run record, a record which Roger Maris very specifically does not hold.

Barry Bonds, the only baseball player who has ever taken steroids.

Hey, remember when A-Rod was going to restore the integrity of the career HR record by surpassing Bonds? That was cute.

You can have thoughts and judgments as to whether or not 73 should be the official record, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is the official record.

2001-2004 BLB was the absolute pinnacle of human achievement. Not just hitting or baseball in general, but actual human achievement. Fuck Prometheus, fuck Newton, fuck Oppenheimer, fuck Doc Brown; Barry Bonds stands above them all.

Because it had a counting record set for the first time in the longer season, and because it was an expansion year where the pitching talent throughout the league was lower than usual because it takes a few years for the pitching to catch up after expansion.


Additional reading:

We, as baseball-loving people, should probably stop injecting baseball with ever-shifting hand-wringing morality, and try to enjoy it more. They freaked out when Maris broke the record, they freaked out when Bonds broke the record, and they’ll freak out if Stanton breaks the record.

OK, I guess pendantically you’re right. Instead Frick did this:

I wish 69 were the actual home run record

People also like to conveniently ignore how Ken Griffey Jr’s head grew suspiciously large long before Bonds