Another fun fact: Goo Jesus was Peter North’s original stage name.
Another fun fact: Goo Jesus was Peter North’s original stage name.
The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff was fucking horrendous.
Piss off. There’s a dishonest troll like you in every bloody thread these days.
There’s making your voice heard by continuing to apply pressure to your reps whenever possible (good!) and there’s shooting yourself in the proverbial dick because you’re upset the house minority leader didn’t...singlehandedly pass a bill that was exactly what you wanted...during a recess (bad!)? What exactly are they…
neither of those is that far from a coast. Might not be the ocean but still the mediteranean and caspian seas.
Toby from HR told us this 3 years ago.
There’s been plenty of studies on the costs of climate change. The problem is that the GOP lacks the intellectual heft to understand that doing nothing comes with costs, too. But that’s perfectly normal, given their belief that prevention is for sissies.
Earth’ll be fine. Humans will be screwed. Gives Mother Nature a chance to start over, though. Maybe with the bees next time.
Can we grandfather Rami Malek (Emmy 2016) into this trio and make it hot/funny/sexy quartet?
It’s okay to dismiss comments from people who are intentionally misgendering the topic of an article and/or who feel that this is a great time to share their personal lecture about how they think gender should work. Nothing of importance will be lost.
To add, for anyone who wants to question your factual note of centuries of singlular they use in English:
Not Enough Day Drinking is a sniveling bigoted coward that dismisses anyone that calls out their disgraceful and selfish bigotry and their dishonorable misuse of linguistics to back it up.
You literally already do it all the time without realizing it.
“I had a substitute teacher today.”
“Oh yeah? What was their name?”
Blocked kicks can’t split steel beams.
It’s preposterous, calming down, things of that nature.
Does it rhyme with “Heaven Wester?”
Harder than it looks. Ask me how I know.
Sorry man. One day the Yankees’ ship will come in.