David Trethewey

... and they do.

Literally nothing about your comment makes sense, but you’re an iPhone user, so....

Really? Seems standard operating procedure.

No, it’s 100% Apple breaking these apps. I happen to agree with it (in a shocking first for anything Apple since High School) but that’s what it is.

You also go fuck yourself.

The implication that somehow there’s an equivalency between the two.

No. Because assholes like you gave the country over to white nationalists.

The ‘12 to ‘15 years are not the early aughts.

It has almost nothing to do with it, actually.

Have you ever been to a military museum? They should have some of these specimens on display.

You need to get a wireless dongle. It can’t be that hard to figure out.

They’re wired. So my bet is an older version of Windows and/or open source Linux drivers don’t work well with the Xbox One.

The Xbox One controllers are superior is every way except their use of wifi-direct. They feel amazing. I’m just not spending $200+ to replace my fleet of perfectly functional 360beans.

Uh, yes. That touchdown would have been scored by some fat, slow guy. Not a guy who seem to be an actual personification of greased lightning.

Now playing

You don’t have to change your coverage if you punt it out of bounds!

Oh go fuck yourself.

Tehran is both on a river and near the Caspian Sea, and Jerusalem is within spitting distance from its ancient port, Jaffa.

Yeah, they could have placed it in a different spot along the divide, but this one has water.

Uh, no it is not specific to America. Nearly 50% of the world’s population is within 150km of a coastline. Name a single big city not founded (or expanded from a village) in the last 100 years that isn’t either directly on a coast or directly on a river.