David Trethewey

I mean. He’s right.

Or perhaps it’s when the fighter jets alter the Statue of Liberty and make her so she’s celebrating a touchdown instead of offering a beacon to the world?

After recently reading the book for the first time, in preparation for the movie, I have to agree with most of this article as it is written. The sex scene holds no value to the story, IMO. In the scheme of terrible things that happen in the book, and in comparison to child murder and torture, it might not be the

I don’t really see outrage, fake or otherwise. Just an acknowledgement that this would be kind of a fucked up thing if someone wrote it today. I mean, it didn’t make it into EITHER adaptation of the book, so people have been dodging around it for decades now, and King (who I’m a huge fan of generally speaking) doesn’t

Username checks out though. :)

I really can’t remember how old I was the first time I read the book, but like everyone else, I found The Scene jarring and out of place. This article articulates something that I never realized was a big part of the problem: A girl using sex not for her own pleasure, but just to help out the group of guys. As

Dude, chill. You seem a bit worked up, calm down

The attention isn’t saying that it’s a weird scene. The attention is just people with pitchforks calling King a pedophile and misogynist. Your comment is the only analysis work I’ve seen on the topic online.

I wasn’t alive thirty years ago but I still think it’s a fucking disgusting scene

I happen to be reviewing King’s new novel, Sleeping Beauties. Spoiler alert: It’s not half bad, but boy it’s hard to miss the continuation of a long chain of women with long histories of physical and sexual abuse. And often, they’re “healed” by the sexual attentions of the right man — or they’re horribly slaughtered.

Where do you get this paranoid idea that a blog writer posting their opinion means they are demanding that this now be your opinion, too?

The silent episode last season was incredible.

Your analogy is flawed. If ten UFOs landed on a baseball diamond, arriving in no discernible pattern, that would be unlikely and interesting.

You should call io9 and demand your money back!


“Wait, who shits on cycles?”

Or that fact that It is about a Cosmic Clown that eats kids and not Pre-Teen Gangbang Sewer Tunnel Adventures.

It’s almost as if the child murders were portrayed as ‘bad’ whilst the child sex was portrayed as ‘good,’ which is somehow an important distinction? How strange.

It is hard to believe that King is confused about all the attention that the tween orgy scene has received when the novel itself spends so much energy to buffer the reader’s reaction.

“I’d just add that it’s fascinating to me that there has been so much comment about that single sex scene and so little about the multiple child murders. That must mean something, but I’m not sure what.”