David Trethewey

Albert Pujols was once as beloved as almost any player ever by his hometown fans, well on his way to being the defining player of his generation. Now he’s almost forgotten, washed up, and being forced to watch himself get surpassed by an even better player on a nightly basis, on a (still) shitty team.

Informationals: I only rince preibus before placing items into the dishwasher. Otherwise, I just soap and clean as you so clearly(?) stated.

I’m more angry with the lack of support and bleak outlook on the future of the franchise than I am with the Mass 3 ending or any of the Andromeda issues.

It really depends on how they do it. If they try to make me pay $15 for something the day of release they can go take a hike. I’m more than happy to spend that same $15 on actual additional content 2 or 3 months down the line though.

What is amazing in hindsight is how great the combat was. That isn’t what I expected to enjoy.

I think we all knew this was gonna be the case when they announced the team would return to it’s support role. It’s a shame how Andromeda turned out. It had such potential. Now I’m just wondering what the future of Mass Effect will be, if there is indeed a future for the series at all. Seems like people are still very

“the Left are the real Nazis because Nazis just want free speech!”

My company is owned by two very proud Orthodox Jews. I don’t even think I’d have any negative consequences if I got in legal trouble for beating up a no-foolin’ Nazi.

I love him and I miss him, but I don’t want to make him out to be a saint. He was what I describe as prejudice in the macro. He was born in 1916 and grew up as a poor ghetto Jew. He would say things about POC , women, and GLBTQ people as groups that made me cringe but he never treated his GLBTQ daughter or nieces and

Isn’t responding to hate and violence just called self-defense?

We don’t ignore Nazis. We hit them with bright sunshine, shut down their websites, get them fired, ostracize them and occasionally punch them in the fucking dick.

I’ve heard a lot of well-meaning white people talk about how we should ignore the Nazis or make fun of them and I’m just shaking my head in disbelief.

And now for what is sure to be my most non-controversial comment ever...

...And are stopped from organizing and spouting hate speech. What part of this do you not get man? They can get together and talk all they like. but the minute they turn it to hate speech, they are SHUT. THE. FUCK. DOWN.

Let’s not pretend you know about Canada. I live here, you clearly don’t. I have lived here my whole life. And I never said there was no racism in our country (far from it). I said hater groups are not allowed to organize and spout hate. Anti-anything flyers being passed around is not something that is allowed, but you

Wait, so your argument is “everyone does bad shit, so it’s okay.”?

Oy, Marchman:

This is the truth. Look at the pictures of that melee above. Firing a weapon into that crowd is basically a 50/50 shot at hitting either side. Bringing a bat makes you a partisan warrior and Clockwork Orangist. Bringing a weapon to that party with the intent to shoot it makes you a mass murderer. Even white

IMO generally people who protest with guns know exactly what they are doing, and in some ways are just waiting for one of those bat/stick people to take a swing at them. Fortunately, at the moment most people don’t take a swing at the person carrying a rifle.