David Trethewey

Those are racists dressed in their make believe military clothes.

The best engineering practices are no match for human stupidity.

8 POUNDS?! They trimmed up 8 pounds and got probation? If you sell 7/8th of an ounce to pay for your 1/8th every month, you’re a regular person. If you sell 8 pounds you are a drug dealer.

They aren’t white., they are blue. Blue privilege most certainly does exist.

What an amazing story and guilt, shame, and redemption. Almost makes you teary eyed that love can overcome stigma in the community and the American judicial system. Logan, Derrick, Tiffany, and Callie are hero’s.

So... I am pretty sure that the stuff that went down was not anywhere close to flirting.

“How is your hair so curly?”

I have like three racist bones in my body. I’m always complaining about them, but the rest of the bones won’t do anything about it. Two of them are real assholes and one of them is passive aggressive as shit. I don’t know, every time I think about yanking them out the other bones get all protective. Deep down, I

Actually, this one person can do this. Please.

Of course I have heard of supply and demand. I just think that it is insane that people would pay 60 grand plus for this car when for that price you can get a whole other class of car.

Huh, looks like I got my swordy FF games mixed up!

Yup. Absolutely. Every single woman on this earth knows that fucking pull away.

McCree’s always been hot. Stop stirring up crap, Grayson.

The apology is somehow almost more offensive than the original emails. I don’t know, it’s tough to say, it’s all so terrible.

Right? I’m just like,

Classic locker room talk.

They sound like lyrics to a really fucked up version of “You Can Call Me Al.”

I apologize for venting like a masagonistic faggot.

It’s a testament to safety standards that this convertible fell seven stories and not only was the driver not killed instantly, but the car looks like it’s simply been in a front end collison. Amazing. I hope the driver is ok.