David Trethewey

Whoa, that’s pretty awesome. I never knew how he accomplished that.

There’s even creepy breathing at the 30 second mark.

Backwards Runners In Reverse Look Like Regular Runners, Only Weird

Yes Anna Melon, if that’s your real name, whatermelon you doing criticizing old white men for this? Honeydew you understand we white men are an oppressed class?

But why assume Hot Take B is legit when all signs point to the fact that KG really did love and respect Coach Flip?

As soon as security arrived to escort him back inside, Garnett challenged the parking spot to a fight.

Some consider Garnett to be a maniacal asshole, but at least he had the courtesy to not back into Coach Saunders’ spot.

This guy is immediately my favorite hockey player of all time.

“It’s good to admit mistakes.”

I think it is less about the fart and more about the theatrics surrounding the fart.

I feel like there’s a Kanye West song that can be made here.

Well, they have a bye next week, but it’s Kirk Cousins, so he still may find a way.

I do not like red skins and ham. I do not like them Ice-I-am.

I was thinking this.

G is for Gin, and falling down stairs

I think the justification is that you’re not getting free work, you’re giving free training! What a wonderful company! Never mind that they are at the very least also getting free work and the training is very rarely worth a damn thing and isn’t always free.

I can believe it was a mistake on an organisational level, eg that the upper management didn't know, but I assume that the manager on site knew about and was just a total scumbag.

Seriously. Christ on a cracker what’s wrong with whatever district manager decided to pay him for 166 hours. The optics of this are so fucking bad, that the should have just said - you know what, we’re not sure how much he worked, so we’re going to pay him as if he worked full time for a year - 2080 hours. This is