David Trethewey

I love how that kid doesn’t know how to light shit on fire.

Only if he wants to contest New York.

Actually, it would have worked just fine; none of those states tried it because it would remove the actual usage of that epithet due to them all knowing he had an actual birth certificate to produce.

Good job being objectively wrong about how our elections work.

1) That would make most of his base vote for him more, because the liberal communist fags in California are trying to make him look bad. This was already signaled in 2016 when he refused nearly 100 years of precedent and didn’t release them then. And it didn’t matter, or perhaps helped him overall.

Then you’re SOL because they have every important record on you ever.

That’s not how the law of unintended consequences works.

Actually, California is the one state where the GOP follows the national party almost to a T, rather than move left or right as the state demands.

I’ve never seen someone be so confident and educated in their word choice and yet be so factually wrong about everything contained within.

You realize you completely missed the point, right?

She doesn’t just have a lazy eye; she has a lazy face.

We did that 80 years ago.

So trans people have a lack of humanity?

They will, by signing the checks they received from the realtor’s association.

No, it is immoral. This is Texas, it’s probably illegal to give the tenants a break.

It’s Texas. They could clear out your apartment n a normal day and you’d be hard pressed to get anything in return.

“Not to mention there is probably a mandatory period of time before an eviction can be executed on.” This is Texas. That time is probably 12 hours.  

So the people who profit off of doing nothing might be in a bind that is objectively not as bad as the renters they’re fucking over, so they should get a pass.

When you’re a business owner in Texas, you can do whatever you want.....

And yet you’re referring to another human being as “it”.