
Holy shit. I'm sorry my Vietnamese family isn't bowing down at your feet at this very moment for being such great white saviors, I didn't realize it was our job to use you specifically as an example of how #notallwhites are racist.

"says he's been fucking since before my balls dropped and that he's probably had sex with every woman I've jacked it to. He laughs maniacally."

Its Raffey.

everyone KEEPS BEING WRONG about pineapple on pizza



I'm getting a lot of use out of my Jessica gifs tonight. There is a search button at the top of every page on this site. It is a cute little magnifying glass. Click on it to search if we did or did not write about something before you come and yell about how we are assholes for not writing about said subject. Not that

oh my god


She's a parasitic shit-worm. There you go - bad insult and non-gendered!

rumor has it ann coulter is chill af

this is what i needed to bring me back up after that puppy video

For those who need it:

I ugly cry every time I see a preview for the new film. I remember my delight when I found out that Robin Williams was cast as TR.
Williams was magnificent. As someone who has also struggled with mental health challenges and addiction, I was deeply impacted by his death. May flights of angels sing him to his rest.

At our yearly dance recital, we used to do a Daddy Daughter number at the end of dress rehearsal. And if the Dad's were on board, we did it the last night of the show. Just the corps dancers/TAs with their Dads. My Dad, with out fail or rhythm, danced for 5 years straight including a number which spliced YMCA with

Oh my god. I love you.

Yeah I saw that comment. Your point of view is sad and extremely dismissive, especially to black voices who use Twitter because that is often the ONLY way they have to reach out and get people to hear them. If your first reaction to a black man reaching out to talk about something as powerful as slavery to the

"Why would someone pick up a phone and dial all those numbers when you could just hop on your horse and trot over to their house to tell them what you want to tell them?" —You, 100 years ago.

Seconded. It is NOT okay. It is the OPPOSITE of okay.

WHY is Jez posting still frames from videos of assaults on teenage girls? Editing her face out is not good enough. Did you learn nothing from your Benghazi post?