
Arghh, sorry this is one of my pet peeves.

let's start a binkie rumor

i agree w this but u r wrong re: asparagus

damn jaime went IN

it took me a long time to think of what to say, because this is extra.

Dear Anna, Please marry me.

Hi Robby! Thanks for stopping by! One small correction: I don't think you've ever "reported" a goddamn thing in your life. (And because I know you're going to do this, either here or in my Twitter mentions, which you and your friends are currently stink-clouding up with your Feelings, I have a master's degree in

taylor swift is the most supportive person ever

Well she doesn't have shit on my car singing cover of this one, but it's hard to compete with the best.

you have the right to have a religion but it's mostly going to be mine because you're not free of religion

Uh.... No. No I did not miss it. Its in the first paragraph of THIS article. Thats the whole point. What the hell.

Um, Burt... super big fan (seriously, earlier this year you and Lindy wished me happy birthday when I posted on a DB about having had a terrible birthday and it literally made me cry) but could you maybe bold the names in the first item in the DB? Sometimes it's the only way I can tell what post is the DB because my

On topic: It might seem to compelling to you to argue that images don't count as child pornography if you personally can be convinced that the subjects are over 18, but the only determining factor that actually matters, in point of fact, is whether or not they are goddamned children.

I guess I must have just seen the Cool Dr. Money episode and the cherry lollipops episode like 100 times each.

For the record I loved My Brother and Me as a kid and was stunned to learn recently that there were only THIRTEEN EPISODES of it made.

Perhaps it's meant to be metaphorical of baring oneself and being vulnerable to one's fans.

I, too, think the stench of troll is strong with that one.