David Puddy the 2nd

I can’t wait to get sexually harassed and/or assaulted there.

There’s still time for Ubisoft to remove the song like there’s still time to remove the people who fostered and participated in a toxic culture of sexual assault and abuse at the company Ubisoft

You’re very keen on the idea that laws are clearly defined. This is true.

Americans have never willingly downsized either their cars or their engines without a fuel price rise that is both large and sudden.

We all know exactly why there aren’t more cameras on cop cars, and it’s the exact same reason bodycams are conveniently off whenever cops shoot another unarmed black kid.

Yes, good old benevolent Henry.

Funny - you missed the point completely. 

Or people could, you know, just not race on fucking surface roads?

This is one of those cases where people say shit that sounds really prophetic and intelligent but is really just bullshit mental masturbation.

Do you take yourself seriously when spouting nonsense like this? 

The timing isn’t off, though. Buress’ jokes in 2013 were about how it was amazing everyone was just pretending Cosby WASN’T A RAPIST, because the allegations had been so well known for such a long time.

At one point the Rouge plant was the largest integrated factory in the world.

3rd Gear: “requires an estimated 10,000 acres of land” This is an almost unfathomable amount of land, and it has to be miscommunication at some point in the line. While i am pro Rivian, if a single factory is eating up that much land i hope the project is rejected. It is a gross amount, like a good sized city could be

Your personal experience with the UAW is not enough data to declare “unions don’t work.” In the US, unions are responsible for some of the most rapid gains in worker benefits and improved quality of life in US history.

Good on the employees. Now if only software and game devs would also just unionize so we can organize some slightly more effective industry wide actions.

I’d be willing to wager a lot of dough that this would have gone down much differently if the passenger hadn’t been filming. The fact that he starts to put gloves on shows to me that the baggy in the back seat was pretext for a search of the car.

The cop knew what he was doing with that off-cam, side-arm toss into the

Amazon holds such a small stake that they’ll have no say in where the factory goes. 1.3% of the company doesn’t give them much say in the company direction.

There is a HUGE difference between gatcha games and subscription games… Gatcha games provide a free option where your gaming experience is usually either slowed down, gated or otherwise reduced unless you pay a marginal sum to bring things up to a standard level, which usually doesn’t last very long. The developers

I can’t believe that Kotaku, a site for video game opinions, published an opinion about a video game! Disgusting and unforgivable. As a paying subscriber, I don’t exist because this site is free.

“stop the gatekeeping and negativity” as a defense of predatory gambling shit in games. guess it was just a matter of time til some kids who just grew up with this shit think of it as normal and bend backwards to defend it with social justice language lol.  you know there’s a more dignified way to live than doing the