Nah, fuck the police. Make fun of the pigs all you want.
Nah, fuck the police. Make fun of the pigs all you want.
Thanks for including the handy size reference in the cargo area pictures. Going by the other reviews I’ve read, I have no way of knowing how many skulls of my enemies I can haul in the new Santa Cruz for example.
I say trucks or cars with headlights that are blinding to other drivers are assholes. Doesn't matter if it's intentional or not. It's the drivers responsibility to have their car in proper condition for use on shared roads. Even if it's OEM headlights that are blinding - driver is still the asshole.
Defensive driving. Always assume someone will be changing lanes into you, because they will.
I’ve been sideswiped by someone changing lanes in an intersection before, so I wait now. My apologies if you’ve ever been stuck behind me.
To all of the “A cop smiled at me one time therefore systemic police brutality doesn’t exist” crowd you can save you faux outrage over the title. Yes, ACAB. No, we don’t need to have personal interractions with every cop in existence to know this. The institution of Police exists from top to bottom to enforce the will…
Look, if the cop told the kid to ‘Freeze’, and he was holding ‘anti-freeze’, how is that not blatant failure to comply? Easy grounds for opening fire.
Right. Because the sheer volume of comments deriding hot tub streamers in the other articles vs the (currently) 10 comments here discussing gambling streams certainly illustrates that point.
Why would you tell me to fuck? Kinda weird dude.
The article is bad. That's why I was unable to see what literally everyone else saw the 1st go around. I take responsibility but it's the articles fault I didn't read it fully!
Not everyone was put off by the event, however. “This is absolutely the best experience I’ve ever had at a press event period,” influencer HipHopGamer said in a video recording from the day. “This makes you want to play the game, buy the game, talk about the game, experience the game, and everything else about the…
Was he breathalysed? What was the reading? Because the story here doesn’t say he was, so I’m not gonna take a cop’s word for it that they smelled anything if they cannot substantiate that claim. Cops claim they smell things because it is not something that can be disproven by cameras. Well, not yet anyway.
Is there any actual evidence he was drunk driving? As far as I know “claims to smell alcohol” is not a legal metric. Did a breath alcohol or blood test confirm this? Otherwise it’s the cop’s word against the private citizen. His “crime” was playing music too loud - hardly much of a crime to set aside the 4th…
You’re creating a false equivalence between people offended by words that disrupt the conservative status quo, and people critical of words that reinforce the harms of the conservative status quo.
Sorry. Maybe I got lost in the conversation and replied out of context. Just to clarify my stance, I didn’t say ASMR couldn’t also be used in sex work. I was just pushing back against the notion that it is only some kind of fetish thing. It’s clearly not, and I think we’re in agreement about that.
What a load of horseshit.
The US has indoctrinated its cititzenry against socialism to such a degree that the fringes use the term as a synonym for everything from kleptocracy through to zionist-paedophile-cabal.
“Oh you never hear about the bad things in socialism...” - oh, apart from the mountain of logical fallacies…
Some people are born boot lickers.
I see you’ve discovered that you can make anything sound boring and stupid if you strip it down to just it’s most basic parts, and describe it in the least interesting way possible.
A lifetime ban from flying isn’t enough for this twunt. She needs to spend some time in jail.
You are incredibly angry over people having an opinion about Star Citizen. Like it or not, people are allowed to criticize Star Citizen for the scope creep boondoggle that it is, and people shitting on it is just as valid as people defending it. That you call it shitting on other peoples parades is silly because you…